You’d think he would be the nervous one, not her. But clearly something was bothering her.

“We don’t have to go. What I mean is, I don’t have to go if you don’t want me there.”

She made a turn onto another street, not bothering to look at him as she said, “I asked you to come with me, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, and it seemed as if it pained you to ask. So this wasn’t your idea, was it?”

“I…no. Brenna was the one who invited you. She thought you might want to get out.”

“That was nice of her. I do like people.”

“I’m sure you’ll be awesome with the family.”

He laughed.

“What was that for?”

This time she shot a glare his way. At least that was something.

“I think you’re worried that I’ll put on my ‘actor’ persona for the day and do…I don’t know…something to embarrass you.”

“That isn’t at all what I think.”

“Then what’s making you so nervous?”

“Nothing I want to get into while I’m driving.”

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

They drove out to where the houses were farther apart, where there were land and trees and a huge two-story brick house with a dark roof. Mae pulled up the long driveway, where several cars were already parked. She turned off the ignition and they got out.

“I have a housewarming gift in the trunk,” she said, walking around to the back of the car.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “Let’s talk first.”

She shook her head. “That’s not a good idea.”

“You said you couldn’t tell me what’s bothering you while you were driving.” He reached for her hand, took the keys from her and slid them into his pocket. “You’re not driving now, so tell me why you didn’t want to bring me today.”

She inhaled, then let it out. “You make me nervous. And being with all these people—my people—with you—will make me even more nervous.”

He took one step closer, brushing an errant hair away from her face. “I make you nervous?”

“No guy has ever made me nervous. But you. Whenever I’m around you, Kane—”

He swept his hand along the side of her neck and pressed his lips to hers, sliding his arm around her back to bring her against him. He kept it loose, kept the kiss as easy as it was possible for him to do given how much he wanted her, so shewouldn’t bolt. But when she sagged against him and flicked her tongue against his, he groaned and slid his hand down her back, grasping a handful of her sweet a—

The cry of a baby made them pull apart. Erin stood there, holding a gift box while a tall guy he assumed was her husband stood there smirking.

“Oh my God, Mae,” Erin said. “At least do it in the car instead of on the front lawn.” She laughed as they headed inside.

Mae covered her face with both hands. “This isn’t happening. She’ll tell her sisters, and they’ll tell their guys. Oh, God, and Maureen and Johnny, too. And then everyone will know.”

“We were just kissing. It’s not a big deal.” He reached for her but she slapped his hand away.

“Maybe not to you. But I take my job seriously and I’m supposed to be monitoring you.”

He arched a brow. “Excuse me?”