
Mae had losttrack of place, or time, or even what planet she was on. All she knew was that Kane was kissing her, his hands sliding over her skin, and this was delicious, dangerous territory. She should stop him right now.

But how could she when his lips were soft yet his intent so strong as he slid his tongue inside, making her feel simultaneously hot and shivery cold? She couldn’t help herself. She had to explore, so she slid her hands up his arms to his shoulders while he moved that fantastic mouth of his over hers. She could just imagine his mouth would be magical on her—

Someone coughed loudly, a clear signal that this volcanic kiss was not for public viewing. Kane was the first one topull away, his breathing harsh as he licked his lips and dragged his hand through his hair.

“Sorry,” he said. “I kind of got carried away.”

“Yeah, me, too.” Too carried away. She didn’t even know this guy. And she also had to work with him.

The one thing she prided herself on as far as her romantic life was always making good decisions. Well, at least after Isaac, anyway. That had been a disaster. But after him? Always good decisions. With dating she kept it light and easy and never set up any expectations. She was also honest with any guy she went out with, letting him know she was in it for fun and nothing long term. That way if some man was looking for the love of his life, he’d know right away that it wasn’t going to be her.

She’d met and dated some amazing, beautiful men. And then promptly dropped them—amicably, of course. For the past couple of years it had worked out perfectly.

She wasn’t dating Kane, so she had nothing to worry about. It had just been one kiss between them.

But when she lifted her gaze to his, the heat in his eyes nearly melted her to the walkway, making her want to feel his mouth against hers again. And again.

“We should probably go.”

Those words were the cold slap of reality she needed. “Yes, we should.”

They started back toward the house, Mae’s thoughts a jumbled mess the entire drive back.

She shouldn’t have kissed him, because now his full lips and his strong hands and the way his hard body felt against hers were all she could think about.

And once she set her sights on a guy, she wouldn’t be satisfied until she had him. But she was absolutely not going to have Kane August. He wasn’t even her type.


Okay, she didn’t actually have a type. She liked men of all different shapes and sizes and colors. As long as there was an attraction, she’d move forward with a guy, knowing it was only a temporary thing anyway. It wasn’t like she was looking for forever.

She figured Kane August wasn’t a forever kind of guy. He was actually kind of perfect for a fling except for one thing—he was famous. And she wanted nothing to do with being in the spotlight.

“You’re quiet,” he said as he exited the highway. “Are you okay?”

She pulled her gaze away from the passenger window to smile at him. “I’m great. How about you?”

“Also great. I was just wondering if you were upset about the kiss.”

He had to bring it up, didn’t he? “The kiss was also great. And I’m not upset about it at all.”

“Good. I wouldn’t mind continuing where we left off when we get back.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Look, there’s no doubt we have chemistry, Kane. But you’re…not really my type.”


His lips curved upward as he turned off the street and headed down the back roads. “Yeah? What is it about me that you find repulsive?”

“Now you’re being ridiculous. I never said you were repulsive. But you are an actor, and I can’t do that.”

“You were acting just fine.”

“Not what I meant. I meant your celebrity. I don’t want to be a part of that.”

“I don’t know if you paid attention, but we had dinner atone of your tourist spots tonight and not a single person noticed me.”