“Isn’t it awesome to know where you fit?”
“It is. How did you decide to get into acting?”
“Oh, well, I fell into it, actually. I did plays in school and I was pretty good at it, and since we lived in L.A. I wasscouted by an agent who signed me. I ended up on some teen show—that’s where Kane and I met, actually.”
Mae looked over at Kane. “You and Everly have known each other since you were teens?”
“Yup. We go way back.”
“We do. Our paths seem to have crossed a lot, both in television and film. I think it was the chemistry thing, which is why we often end up doing movies together. It’s been fun, hasn’t it, Kane?”
He gave Everly a smile. “Sure has.”
Kane watched a range of emotions cross Mae’s face, and hoped she understood that there was absolutely nothing going on between Everly and him. He’d explain it to her when they had some alone time.
After dinner they headed back to the Bellini property.
“Could you drop me off at the house?” Mae asked. “I have tons of paperwork to prep for tomorrow. We have some couples coming in to tour the wedding venue.”
“How fun,” Everly said as Kane pulled up to the house. She turned around to look at Mae. “It was great to spend some time with you, Mae. We’ll definitely have to do it again.”
Mae laid her hand on Everly’s. “It was so fun. I can’t wait to see you again. Thanks, Kane. I’ll see you both later.”
“Wait,” Kane said. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
She shrugged and got out.
Kane walked her up. “Are you sure you can’t come by the trailer tonight?”
“No, I really do have a lot to do.”
He stopped at the door, wanting to kiss her, but she took a step back, a clear signal that she wasn’t comfortable with that with Everly watching them, so he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Talk to you tomorrow?” he asked.
She gave a quick nod. “Absolutely. Night, Kane.”
“Good night, Mae.”
He waited for her to go inside, then walked down the steps and got back into the car, feeling wholly unsatisfied with how that had gone down.
“So,” Everly said as Kane turned around and drove toward their trailers. “You and Mae, huh?”
He shot her a look. “How did you know?”
She laughed. “You were antsy and I could tell you wanted to touch her or kiss her and I can tell when I’m a third wheel, dude. Why didn’t you just say something? It would have been a lot more comfortable for all of us.”
“I don’t know. I didn’t want Mae to feel weird. I didn’t want you to feel weird.”
“Well, now we all feel weird, jackass.”
He sighed. “Sorry.”
She punched his arm. “You better talk to your woman and fix things.”
“I will.”
They got out of the car and he walked her to her trailer. She pulled him into a tight hug. “Love you.”