Page 55 of Housebroke

“Oh, that’s fine. I can order delivery and stay in.”

“Yeah, about that. I also told her you were with me, so now you’re invited to dinner tonight.”

“Really.” She tilted her head. “How do you feel about me meeting your mother?”

“I feel fine about it. How do you feel about it?”

“I’d love to. What should I wear?”

She was currently wearing dark capri pants and a T-shirt along with tennis shoes. “What you’re wearing right now is just fine.”

She sat up and patted his arm. “No, it’s not. Give me a few minutes to freshen up and change clothes, and I’ll be ready to go.”

She disappeared into the bathroom.

Okay, that went better than expected. Hazel hadn’t freakedout, and now he was going to introduce the woman he was currently sort of living with to his mother.

Should make for an interesting evening.


Hazel was so excited to meet Linc’s mother. He was such an awesome human, she couldn’t wait to see how he’d grown up and who was responsible for helping to make him the incredible man he was today.

Plus she had to admit she was extremely curious about where he’d grown up, and he’d told her his mom still lived in his childhood home.

“Is it just your mom we’ll be having dinner with?” she asked on the drive across the Bay Bridge over to the East Bay toward Pleasanton.

“I have no idea. Mom probably told my brothers I was bringing you. They’re nosy bastards, so knowing them, they’ll probably show up.”

She laughed. “Awesome.” You could tell a lot about a person when you met their family. Then again, he’d met her sister and likely thought she was a flipping fruitcake.

At least he hadn’t had the joy of meeting her mother, and hopefully it would stay that way.

They pulled into a one-story ranch style with a wide driveway. It was painted white with dark green trim and expansive front windows. The yard was beautifully landscaped with colorful flowers and incredibly tall trees. She could imagine Linc and his brothers climbing those trees when they were kids.

“It’s a beautiful house, Linc.”

“Thanks. It’s pretty much like it’s always been. My dad and my brothers and I did some renovations a few years before Dad passed away.”

“Which is why it looks so amazing on the outside.”

He smiled. “Mom had been after Dad to paint for several years, and it did make a difference. And once we were done with that, we realized it needed a new roof, and after that, guttering.”

“Like dominoes.”

He laughed. “Pretty much. And Mom decided it looked so good we needed to freshen up the landscape, so that was next.”

“Now it’s perfect.”

“Yeah, it is. It’s home. Always has been, always will be.”

Her heart did a tumble at the warmth in his voice.

They got out and went to the front door. Before he had a chance to ring the bell or turn the knob, the door opened and there stood a tall, stunning woman with whiskey brown eyes and the brightest smile directed at Linc.

They stepped inside and the woman hugged him.

“You stay away too long,” she said, giving him a squeeze before letting him go.