“A next trip that we’ll never take.”
He frowned. “Why would you think we’d never take it?”
She opened her mouth to say that they were temporary and the likelihood of the two of them ever going to Hawaii was slim,but that was the negative side of her. “I don’t know. It’s so far from Florida. And you have business to take care of.”
He shrugged. “It never hurts to think about an awesome vacation, now does it?”
“I guess it doesn’t.”
The one thing that scared her about Linc was that he kept giving her hope for a future that didn’t exist.
Even worse, she was starting to want that kind of future. The kind that included an extremely good-looking, incredibly kind man who also loved her dogs. The problem was, Linc didn’t exist in her future, because as soon as he was finished with the house, he’d be off on his next renovation adventure, and she’d be...
Well, she’d be out of that house and going somewhere. Where that was, she didn’t know just yet. But it wouldn’t be with Linc. Time was running out on this fantasy between the two of them, and she needed to get in the right headspace to make her next move. She was already searching for rentals, and had found a couple that were within her price range. If she saved all her money, she could do this. And that was all she needed to be thinking about. Real, tangible things, not fantasies about jetting off to Hawaii with Linc.
Their food had started to arrive, giving her respite from her tortured thoughts. She first had the lobster bisque, followed by the clam linguine. Linc also had the bisque, but for his main course he’d opted for lobster. She was happy when he offered her a taste. The food was incredible, the sauces were perfection, and she made mental notes about dishes she wanted to try making at home.
By the time their server cleared their plates and asked about their interest in dessert, Hazel was utterly full and ready to walk off dinner. Fortunately, it was a nice night with no breeze, so they took a walk around the wharf to digest a bit.
“Dinner was amazing,” she said. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“You’re welcome.”
He grasped her hand and they walked.
“Do you hear the seals?” he asked.
She paused, then smiled up at him. “Yes. They’re very adorable, aren’t they?”
“I guess if you like loud, smelly things, they are.”
She laughed. “Hey, they’re sea creatures. And they can’t help how they smell.” She gave a gentle shove of her shoulder against his arm.
“You’re right, of course, and I won’t disparage their incredibly bulky beauty.”
“Now you’re just making fun of me. Or them.”
“Neither.” He paused and peered into one of the shops. “Come with me.”
She wasn’t much of a souvenir person, but she was interested in what Linc could possibly want in this quirky little shop of wharf gifts. She followed him down the center row.
“Pick one,” he said.
“Pick... oh.” Her emotions were about to have a meltdown as she looked over all the stuffed seals on the shelf. “That is not necessary.”
“Oh, but it is. A memory from your visit. Plus, you love them.”
She chose the fattest, ugliest brown one and cuddled it against her chest. “This one.”
“Okay, then.” He took it from her and went to the register, paid for it, and told the person they wouldn’t need a bag.
After they walked out, he handed it to her. She took his hand and held tightly to the seal.
They finally decided to call for a ride back to the condo, which suited Hazel just fine since the heels she wore were so very pretty but not necessarily awesome for walking in for any length of time. When the car arrived, she was ever so grateful to slide into the back seat. If it had been her own car, the heels would have been off and she’d have been done with them, but she’d just have to wait. Instead, she cuddled her seal and laid her head on Linc’s shoulder, looking out the window to take in the bright lights of the city as they made their way back to the condo.
Between the wine and the full dinner and all the fresh air from the walk, Hazel was decidedly... relaxed. Maybe a little too relaxed, because her eyes drifted closed on the ride, and Linc had to lightly jostle her when their car pulled in front of the condo.
“Taking a short nap?” he asked as they made their way across the lobby toward the elevators.