“You’re welcome.” He’d seen the tears sparkle in her eyes. “Anyway, I should get back to work. Hope the dogs like their toys.”
“Wait.” She walked over, threw her arms around him, and hugged him tightly.
Since he didn’t want to seem as if her hug wasn’t reciprocated, he wound his arms around her. They stood there like that for a full minute or so, and he had to admit he didn’t mind having his arms around Hazel. Her body felt good, the kind of body he’d like to explore further, except he knew this was a “thank you” hug, not a “hey, grope me” kind of hug.
She pulled back. “Thank you. This means a lot to me. And to the pups.”
His throat was thick with emotion, so all he could do was nod. She finally walked away, so he blew out a breath as he made his way back into the kitchen, realizing if he wasn’t careful, Hazel—and her dogs—could worm their way into his heart.
And that just couldn’t happen.
Hazel unwrapped half the toys that were in the box—because good heavens, Linc had purchased so many—and put the rest at the top of her closet for later. She took the new toys outside, and it was suddenly like Christmas for the pups. Boo immediatelyclaimed the stuffed bunny as his own, while Penelope and Freddie ran off to opposite shady corners of the yard to chomp down on their new bones. Lilith was currently killing a squeaky toy with utter glee. Gordon found a soft toy and marched over to the door for Hazel to let him in. She figured he’d had enough of the humidity and would lie by the door on his new toy. But then she saw him make his way to the stairs and stand there. Linc must have seen him as well because he walked over, scooped up him and his toy, and carried them upstairs.
Her heart swelled with gooey emotion. She shook it off, because there was no way she was going to become attached to Linc. He was too fine-looking, and she’d already made the mistake once of marrying a good-looking man who seemed to be perfect on paper, and look what happened there.
No, she had a life plan, and said life plan did not include getting all messy over some guy just because he’d been nice to her dogs. They just so happened to be cohabitating at the moment and that was all.
Her phone buzzed and she took it out of her pocket. It was a text from the foster agency. She read it, her stomach dropping as she read the message twice, then fell into the chair on the porch.
“Oh.” She knew this day could come, that it was what she wanted, what everyone at the agency wanted. But still, the thought of it hurt so much fresh tears sprang into her eyes.
The door opened and Linc came out, smiled at her, then immediately frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
She swiped at the tears, then smiled. “Oh. Nothing. Good news, really. Someone is interested in meeting Boo for a potential adoption.”
“That’s awesome, right?”
“Of course it is.”
He took a seat next to her. “You don’t seem happy about it.”
“I’m totally happy. The whole reason I foster dogs is to make sure they’re safe and well taken care of until a forever home is found for them. This couple saw his profile on the foster group and they want an introduction and possibly a one-week trial of having him live with them.”
“Wow. Big steps.”
“When’s that going to happen?”
“Tomorrow. I have to take Boo to meet them. And if all goes well, he’ll go home with them for the trial period.”
He reached across the table to take her hand. “You don’t want him to go.”
She jerked her hand away. “Of course I do. It’s my job to prepare these dogs for their happily ever after. Why wouldn’t I want him to go?”
“Because you love him and you think of him as your dog?”
“Oh, and you know this how? Because you’ve spent all this time with me? Because you know me? Well, let me tell you, Lincoln Kennedy. You don’t know anything about me. I will take Boo to meet his potential new people tomorrow and I’ll be damned happy about it.”
She walked away, feeling righteous in her anger.
How dare he presume to know how she felt or what her motivations were. She headed outside and found Boo happily gnawing on his bone, so she pulled up a spot next to him and ran her fingers over his smooth, silky fur.
“Guess what, my Boo baby? There are some people who want to meet you and maybe take you home, and we’re going there tomorrow. Which means you might just be the luckiest pup in the whole world. Wouldn’t it be great to have forever parents who are gonna love you and take care of you for the rest of your life?”