Page 18 of Housebroke

“Do storms bother you?” he asked.

“Not at all. I love the rain. I’d rather not have severe weather, but it comes with living in Florida.”

He was searching on his phone again, the light bathing his face with an eerie glow.

“It looks like the storm is moving northwest. Should be past us shortly.”

They both listened as the weatherperson spoke about the tornado chances weakening. Hazel let out a sigh of relief.

The loud fierceness of the storm did seem to be lessening.

And then the lights came back on. Freddie barked at them, which made Hazel smile.

“It’s all going to be okay,” she said, reaching out to smooth her hand over all the dogs. Except Gordon, who was across the room, still sound asleep.

“I’m going to go check things out,” Linc said. “You wait here.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not a chance. I’m going with you.”

“You aren’t even wearing shoes.”

“Because you plucked me out of the water like a fish and didn’t let me put my shoes on.”

He bent his head toward hers, flashing angry dark brown eyes at her. “You’re not going out there.”

He turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

What. The. Hell. As if he had any control over her. Who did he think he was, anyway? Her ex did that to her, thinking he could tell her what she could and couldn’t do. Just remembering it made her blood boil.

Not again. Not ever again. Those days were over.

She pulled the door open and immediately checked the floor for broken glass, which she knew wasn’t there because she’d been in more severe storms than this before. Shutting the dogs in the bathroom for their safety, she dashed up the stairs, slid into her tennis shoes, then headed outside.

It was still dark and cloudy, but the rain had let up some. As far as she could see, there was no major damage other than a few palm fronds that had shaken loose in the wind, and a lot of crap that had gotten into the pool since the gate had blown open. So, mostly easy fixes.

Linc came out of the guesthouse and glared at her.

“I see you ignored me.”

“You’re not the boss of me. Except as far as you paying me to cook for you. Otherwise, you can kiss my ass. I grew up here and know how to take care of myself in a storm.”

He stared at her for a beat, then nodded. “Fair enough.”

He walked back inside, and Hazel stayed where she was, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. She couldn’t believe she’d said those things to Linc. But she had and he hadn’t fired her or yelled at her. And she’d stood up for herself because she’d been right.

She felt somewhat victorious, all things considered. If that had been an argument with her ex, there would have been yelling and finger-pointing and him calling her an unreasonable bitch and putting all the blame on her. And she’d have stood there bone silent until he’d finished with her and walked away, leaving her feeling small and defeated.

She’d always hated that. After the divorce, she’d told herself over and over again she’d never let another man do that to her.

Huh. Maybe all those self-talks and affirmations had worked. Maybe it had also helped to argue with a guy who wasn’t a complete and utter asshole.

Either way, it felt good.


Linc had to spend the rest of the day inspecting the house for damage and cleaning up what the storm had left behind. Hazel helped, sweeping the back patio and picking up palm fronds and whatever else had made its way into the pool while he took care of the front. Some of the flowers and bushes had taken a beating, but he’d fix that with pruning and maybe replanting if necessary.

Of course the humidity after the storm hadn’t lessened. In fact, it had gotten worse, so his T-shirt stuck to his chest, and every part of him was sweaty.