Page 13 of Housebroke

Hazel looked over the pack, who had surrounded them both. Gordon was in his lap, Penny next to him. Lilith had crawled onto Hazel’s lap while Freddie the dachshund and Boo the pittie flanked her. “They make it easy since they’re all so different. And they crave attention since they didn’t come from ideal situations. Once you start giving them some love and affection, they’ll show you who they are—quirks and all.”

“And what are their quirks? I might as well know since I’m going to be around them.”

“Okay. You’ve already discovered Penelope’s thievery issues and the fact that if you sit at Gordon’s level, he’s going to use you as a nap bed. Boo likes to cuddle in bed with me every night with his favorite toy, despite my best efforts to crate train him. He has some separation anxiety issues. We’re still working through that, but he was abandoned in an alley by his humans, so he has a fear of being alone.”

“What assholes do that?”

“The assholiest of assholes, that’s who.” She smoothed herhand over the stormy gray dog with the smooth coat, who had the friendliest and cutest smile Linc had ever seen.

“Okay, and what about Freddie?”

She turned her focus to the dachshund. “He’s a chewer. He’s especially fond of wood products. Guard your lumber.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. What about the leader of the pack?” He motioned to Lilith, who was staring at him as if she’d attack at any moment.

“Loud noises. Fears them terribly.”

“No wonder she hates me.”

She smiled. “She doesn’t hate you. She’s just slow to warm up to people, especially men.”

“Wow. She’s so tiny. How could someone hurt her?”

“People can be cruel, Linc. And it’s not just men, either. Some people think animals don’t have feelings or emotions, that they can’t be hurt, that they’re only for entertainment. I don’t know. I can’t begin to presume what goes on in the minds of people who don’t love these beautiful creatures, who don’t take care of them.”

He could tell that it hurt her to talk about the abuses her babies had suffered. “I’m glad they have someone like you to look after them.”

She glanced down at Lilith, then back up at him. “Thanks. I do what I can. I wish I could do more.”

“You can only do what you can do. And that’s more than a lot of people do.”

He saw the blush stain her cheeks and wondered if she was unused to compliments. Someone who looked like her should be accustomed to being showered with them.

Obviously, someone had hurt her, too.

People really could be assholes. There was a sweetness and a vulnerability to Hazel that was unlike any woman he’d ever met before. It made him want to know everything about her.

But, he wasn’t in the market for another girlfriend. That was just asking for trouble after what he’d been through. So he’d just be distant and friendly enough and treat her like an employee.

He gently placed Gordon on the grass, then stood and brushed off his jeans. “Okay, I should get back to work.”

“Me, too.”

He held out his hand for her, and when she slipped her hand in his, he hauled her upright. He felt a zap of something electric when they touched. From the look in her eyes, she had felt it, too.

He ignored it, pulling his hand from hers.

“Thanks,” she said. “I’ll see you for dinner, then.”

“Sure.” He turned and walked away, realizing he was already looking forward to it.

For the food, of course; not because he’d get to spend time with Hazel again.


Well, sonofabitch.”

Hazel grimaced, hating having been the bearer of bad news.