Page 75 of Housebroke

“Ohh,” she said, sliding her hand across his jaw. “You feel so good.”

“Yeah, so do you.” He began to move, gently at first, her pussy hot and tight as it surrounded him. She made him feel out of control, making him want to pound hard and fast, intensify these sensations. But he reined it in, keeping his movements easy, at least at first, wanting to prolong every minute of being this close to Hazel.

But she was making it so hard for him to hold back, because every sound she made, every one of her writhing, undulating movements, made his need to come more and more desperate.

He grasped her hand, twined his fingers with hers, and stared into the depths of her mesmerizing blue eyes. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

She gasped out a breath. “Same as you do to me. And don’t stop.”

He smiled down at her before taking her mouth in a deep, soulful kiss. Then passion took over and he couldn’t think anymore. He could only feel every nerve ending in his body zapped by the electrical charges of lust and desire and desperate need for this woman. He suddenly wanted more hands, more tongues, more everything to touch her with, because her taste, her scent, the feel of her skin were all combining to drive him right over the edge.

And when she shattered, he lost it, too, both of them shuddering and holding on to the other like lifelines in a world-ending storm.

When it was over, all Linc could do was continue to hold her, shaken by the way she undid him. And not just physically shaken, either, but something deep inside of him that he didn’t want to examine at the moment, because Hazel was running her foot alongside his calf and making noises he could only describe as yummy sounds.

He looked down at her. “Feel good?”

She smiled. “I feel very good. Let’s do it again.”

He left to dispose of the condom, then came back, gathering her into his arms. “Insatiable, huh?”

She rolled over on top of him. “What’s wrong? Can’t keep up?”

“I can do this all night. Can you?”

“I’ve got stamina for hours and hours.”

“Let’s see who gives out first.”

“Yes. Let’s.”

As he smoothed his hand over her hip, he smiled up at her, then kissed her. Yeah, it was going to be a long night.

But a damn good one.


Hazel and Linc had settled into a companionable routine over the past week or so. If she wasn’t so grounded in reality, it would almost seem as if this was their house and they were a real-life couple. They’d get up early every morning and let the dogs out, then have coffee together on the back patio, watching the dogs frolic and roll around on the lawn. It was always so quiet and peaceful, and neither of them felt compelled to carry on a conversation. Hazel couldn’t recall ever feeling that comfortable with anyone, especially a guy. But Linc made her feel...

He made her feel a lot of things. At times passionate, other times he’d make her laugh so hard she was afraid she was going to pee her pants. They’d even argued about something so inconsequential she’d already forgotten what it had been about. What she did remember was that not once had he been mean or unreasonable. And when the argument was over, that was it. It was done and they moved on, with a hug and a very warm kiss.

Safe. That’s how Linc made her feel. She felt safe enough to be herself, to express her feelings when she was around him. Such a rare and delightful feeling to be that free.

But the reality of it all was that this wasn’t their house, and they weren’t a real couple. She was dreading the time when he told her he had completed the house and it was time for him to move on, because once that happened, it would be over.

They would be over. The very idea of it pained her.

She tried really hard not to think about it, but sometimes she couldn’t help it, like now when she was returning from an afternoon walk with the dogs and Linc was outside in the driveway working on something. Whatever he was doing was loud, and water rolled down the driveway.

Tile, maybe? He’d been working on the downstairs bathroom, along with putting backsplash in the kitchen, so it could be either. But as she approached the house and snuck a peek at the boxes in the garage, the dark tile made it evident it was for the bathroom floor. She slipped the pups into the backyard through the side gate so they could get a drink, then started for the house where Linc had disappeared inside, but a car pulling into the driveway caught her attention.

She recognized her mother’s car right away, and noticed Natalie sitting in the passenger side, which meant Nat had told Mom about her current living situation with Linc. She’d been dodging her mother’s calls for a while now, and replied to texts with nebulous answers, which she had known would eventually come back to bite her in the butt.

No doubt Mom wanted to check the situation out for herself, and probably lecture her about bad decisions.

Well, shit.

She turned around and plastered on a smile as she made her way to the vehicle.