“This is a pineapple jalapeño margarita,” she said. “I hope you like it.”
Hazel took a sip, then another, then grinned up at Bonita. “I love it.”
Bonita smiled and nodded and made her exit.
“So you like spicy, huh?” Linc asked as he sipped his drink.
“In some things, yes. This drink is especially good. You want a taste?”
He wanted a taste all right, just not of the drink. “I’m good with this.”
“You don’t know what you’re missing. It’s tart and sweet, and then, pow—the spice sneaks up on you.”
“So kind of like you, huh?”
“Me?” She put her hand to her chest. “I’m not spicy.”
He laughed. “Yeah, you are. You’re also sweet. And a little tart.”
She laid her glass down and swiped a finger across his hand. “And how would you know? You haven’t even tasted me.”
His balls quivered at the thought of having his mouth on her—anywhere on her. “Is that an invitation?”
Her voice went low, but he still heard her clearly over the music. “Yes.”
He didn’t need more encouragement than that one word, and the heated look in her eyes. He leaned close, cupped the side of her neck to pull her close, then touched his lips to hers.
Yeah, just as he thought—fiery, hot, and spicy. She opened for him and he slid his tongue inside. Tasting her was like an explosion of desire, as if he’d banked it for far too long and that need for her was finally freed. Only here they were, in a public place, and they weren’t the only VIP booth up here.
This was a tease, and the rest of the feast was going to have to wait for later, unfortunately. But for now, he liked having his mouth on hers, feeling the way she had grasped his forearm to hold on, as if the kiss had made her feel as off-kilter as he felt, too.
And when a woman in a nearby booth let out a loud laugh, Hazel pulled away, making him instantly regret bringing her someplace so public. Hard to be intimate in an environment like this. Then again, that had been the whole idea, hadn’t it? To get out, let loose and have fun? He could think of a lot of fun things he wanted to do with Hazel, and none of them could be done in public.
“How about we get out on the dance floor?” he asked.
“Oh, I haven’t danced in... well, long enough for me not to be able to remember.”
He stood and held his hand out for her. “Like riding a bike, Hazel.”
She stood and hesitantly slid her hand in his. “For the record, I’m not very good at that, either.”
He laughed and led her downstairs and onto the dance floor.
Dancing with Linc on this lit-up dance floor where bodies were jamming and swaying was going to place in Hazel’s top-ten list of fun things she’d done.
At first she’d been reluctant about being here, feeling out of place, like she didn’t belong. Everyone looked so young and twentysomething, and she was neither. But Linc seemed to be at ease, and despite her reservations, no one seemed to be paying any attention to them. The music was amazing, and how could she not want to dance, especially with such a hot partner? A partner who just a few minutes ago had kissed her.
Oh, what a kiss it had been. She still felt the flutters in her stomach remembering the way his mouth had moved over hers,taking possession, offering things she definitely wanted. It was too bad they were in this crowded place where they couldn’t explore each other. Still, she couldn’t help but dive in and enjoy the moments, like dancing. She felt freer than she had in years. They’d danced through three songs before she was out of breath and epically dry mouthed.
They went back upstairs, and she took a couple of long swallows of her drink. Bonita came by, and Hazel asked her for some sparkling water along with a refill of her margarita. Linc got another drink, too.
“You can move,” Linc said. “I liked watching you dance out there.”
She felt her cheeks grow warm. “Thank you. It didn’t hurt that I had you to follow.”
He reached out his hand to lay it over hers, and there went all her nerve endings pinging all over the place.