Page 110 of Housebroke

“I—” He paused, thinking back to that day, to all the days before when they’d discussed their relationship.

Feelings. He’d told her he had feelings. He’d never said love.

“Oh, shit. Sorry. But oh, shit, I never told her I loved her. In all those conversations, and on that last day, I never said it.”

“Why not? Is it because you don’t feel it?”

“No, I do. God, I love her so much. How could I have not said it?”

His mother reached across and laid her hand on his. “You forgot the most important thing, Lincoln. Actually telling the woman you love that you love her.”

“I love her. And nothing else matters.” He laid his head in his hands, unable to believe how badly he’d handled it all. Finally, he looked up, blowing out a frustrated breath. “I have to find her. Even if she hates me, I have to at least tell her.”

She patted his cheek. “Yes, you do. But first, take a breath. Take me to dinner. I’m only here for one day. Show me around this amazing house that you’ve renovated.”

“I’ll do that.” He reached across the table. “I’m so glad you’re here, Mom.”

He’d needed his mother to help him find clarity. Now that he had it, it occurred to him that he knew who to ask about where Hazel might be.


On her way to buy dog food, Hazel realized she needed a plan. She’d already taken up enough of Sandy’s generosity. Now, she and the dogs were going to have to move. It was time to carve out that independence she’d been talking about for so long.

But, first she needed to talk to Linc. Now that she’d had some time to come down from her abject anger, she realized she was in love with him. And, maybe things weren’t going to work out between them, but she owed him at the very least a thank-you for housing her and giving her a job and a paycheck so she could move forward with her life.

Tell him you love him. Work things out.

Absolutely not. It was over. And she was going to be calm and rational and tell him that.

As soon as she got brave enough to make that phone call, or go see him in person.

Just the thought of seeing him made her legs shake.

What would she say?Oh, Linc, thanks for handing me my world of dreams right before I threw them back in your face. Would it help if I told you I loved you?

That would sound exactly like a woman who just found outher guy had tons of money, and had decided she wanted a big chunk of that cushy, comfortable life.

This was a no-win situation.

Tough. Woman up, Hazel, and have the conversation. No matter which way it goes, you’ll have told him how you feel.

She changed lanes and headed over to Linc’s house.


Linc studied his phone, smiling at Jennifer as she went over the multiple offers on the house.

“One day, Linc,” she said. “We were on the market for one day and got three offers, each one better than the last. One’s lower but it’s cash, so something to consider.”

“Uh-huh.” He studied the offers, making note of the family with two kids and a dog. The husband and wife had included a sweet note about how the place felt like home the minute they walked in. They also mentioned how much the kids loved the pool. They had financing in order, and he could see how this place would be an ideal family home.

He slid that offer back to Jennifer. “This one. Accept this one.”

She looked up at him. “Really? But it’s five thousand—”

“I don’t care. That family loves this house, and I want them to have it.”

She shrugged. “Okay. I’ll let their Realtor know. They’ll be thrilled.”