When he looked back to tell her he had it, her eyes were closed again. He tried to shake her awake, but to no avail.
Billy rejoined Peter, who wasback at the video village.
“Is she going to be okay?” Peter asked.
“Not sure. She’s lost a lot of blood.”
Peter nodded at Billy’s hands. “I can see that.”
Billy glanced down and saw that in addition to the key card he still held, both his hands were bloody.
“One sec,” Peter said.
He retrieved a couple of bottles of water and a handful of napkins from the craft services table and began pouring water over Billy’s hands. It took all of the first and half of the second bottle to wash off all the blood.
“Did they catch the shooter?” Peter asked.
“No. And I doubt they will.”
“Why not?”
“They were pros.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because she was here to meet me.”
“Oh,” Peter said, getting it now. “About the thing?”
Billy nodded, then pulled out his phone. “Excuse me.”
He walked down the path and called Rick.
“Scramble,” he said as soon as the station chief answered.
“Scramble,” Rick said.
“Danielle Verde’s been shot.”
“Is she—”
“She’s still alive. Or was when the EMTs took her away. I suggest getting protection to wherever they’re taking her as quickly as you can. If she survives the wound, the assassin will likely make another attempt.”
“I’ll call you back.”
Billy hung up and returned to Peter, who had been joined by Tessa and Mari. It was then that Billy noticed the crew was breaking down equipment and hauling it away.
“I take it they’ve canceled the shoot?” he said.
Tessa nodded. “The police shut us down for public safety. I don’t think anyone felt up to continuing anyway.”
“I know I didn’t,” Mari said, concern on her face.
“Does that mean you’re heading back to the hotel?” Billy asked.
“They’re bringing the van around now,” Tessa said.