“I’ve sifted through hundreds of people, and Turner is the first who even comes close.Andhe’s in Europe right now.”
That piqued Braun’s interest. “Is he, now?”
She nodded. “Gideon is shooting a commercial in Budapest this evening, and she’s brought key members of her crew with her, including Turner. They’re all registered as attendees at the festival, too. I assume they’ll be heading to Berlin after. There’s also this.”
She laid down a printout of the photo Dieter’s team had taken in Venice.
“There’s not a lot to work with in this,” she said. “So I haven’t been able to make a positive ID. Yet, I mean. But if you compare this to the others here…”
Braun took a closer look. The guy was wearing a mask and hat, so matching faces was not possible, but his size and shape were basically the same as those of Turner and the old Teddy Fay shot.
“Well, damn,” Braun said. “You’re right. He’s worth checking out.”
She wanted to sigh in relief but held it back. “At Mr. Lawrence’s suggestion, I’ve been in touch with a private investigator in California who’s ready to look into his life there once I give him the word.”
“Tell him to get to work.”
“I will,” she said.
After she left, he picked up his phone. If it really was Fay, he wanted someone in place to act quickly.
“Mr. Braun,” Dieter answered. “What can I do for you?”
By five p.m., Mark andthe others were back at the Ritz.
“Am I the only one who needs a nap?” Adriene asked, as they crossed the lobby toward the elevators.
“We warned you these things could be a grind,” Mark said.
“You did, and you weren’t kidding.”
“Welcome to the life of a star,” Hattie teased.
“I’m not complaining,” Adriene said. “Just tired.”
Their day had been filled with a series of videotapedinterviews, as well as an appearance by Tessa, Adriene, and Mark on a Hungarian podcast focused on pop culture.
Stacy had hurried ahead to the reception desk when they’d arrived and now rejoined the group. She caught Mark’s eye and shook her head. Still no message from Danielle.
Mark hadn’t been concerned earlier, but he was starting to feel that way now. As soon as he was alone in his room, he called Rick.
“No sign of Danielle yet,” he said.
“Hold on. Let me see if I can contact her.” When Rick came back on the line, he said, “I tried several times, but no answer. I don’t like this.”
“Neither do I.”
“I’ll keep trying. If she shows up, let me know right away.”
A shower and some timespent with his makeup kit turned Teddy from Mark Weldon back into Billy Barnett.
Tonight, Tessa would be filming a commercial for House Dione, a heavy hitter in the fashion industry, for which she was a brand ambassador.
The commercial was being directed by Regina Gideon, an up-and-coming talent who had signed on to direct a film for Centurion Pictures later that year. Since Ben was still in Los Angeles, Billy and Peter would be attending the shoot to touch base with her and watch her in action.
There was a knock on his door as he was pulling on his jacket.
“It’s me,” Peter called from the corridor.