“You have? And?”

“And you are very talented, too.”

She leaned into him again, the contact lasting longer than the last time. “Which movie is your favorite?”

“I liked them all, but if I had to choose one, I’d sayMarcella.”

She placed a hand on her chest. “This is my favorite, too.”

“It’s a classic,” Peter said. “That opening shot, just wow.”

“Would you believe we did that in only three takes?” Bianca said.

“You’re kidding?”

The sun went down and the light of the city began reflecting off the canal as the group talked.

Finally, Lizzie yawned and said, “I hate to be the killjoy,but we have to leave for the airport at seven a.m., so I’m going to get some sleep.”

“I could use some shut-eye, too,” Mark said.

The rest of the Centurion group echoed the sentiments and chairs started moving away from the table.

“But it’s still so early,” Bianca said.

“My apologies,” Mark said. “It was a long day, and I’m still a bit jet-lagged.”

“But, Mark,” Lizzie said, “didn’t you say earlier that—”

“Lizzie, there’s something I wanted to ask you about the schedule,” Stacy said as she grabbed Lizzie’s hand and started leading her away.

Bianca gave Mark her best puppy-dog eyes. “Is there nothing I can say to convince you to stay up a little longer?”

“I wish there were, but if I don’t leave now, I’ll fall asleep right here at the table.”

“I suppose it cannot be helped.” She sighed. “If you change your mind, you can always call my room.”

“You’re staying here?” Tessa asked.

Bianca smiled and kept her eyes on Mark as she said, “Room six twenty-three.”

The group exited the bar together, and Lizzie, Adriene, and Stacy grabbed the first elevator down.

Before the doors could close, Bianca put out a hand to keep them open and said to Stacy, “Still no word from Billy?”

Stacy made a show of checking her phone. “Sorry, no.”

“Tell him his loss.”

“I’m sure he’ll feel the same.”

Bianca removed her hand, and the elevator left. When the next one arrived, the rest of them entered the car.

They reached Bianca’s floor first. Mark held the door open while she hugged Tessa, Peter, and Hattie, and kissed their cheeks.

Peter took over door duties when she said her goodbyes to Mark. For him, the kisses were more corner of the mouth than cheek. Before she pulled away, she whispered in his ear, “Remember, six twenty-three.”

“How could I forget?”