“Then expect that reminder,” she said, trying to stifle a grin.

As they headed inside, the security team fell in around them in a way that made it appear they weren’t all traveling together.

The station was a jumble of commuters and tourists rushing this way and that.

Lizzie did her best to keep the Centurion group away from the densest populated areas and was able to steer them nearly all the way to the platform before someone in the passing crowd shouted Tessa’s name.

Heads turned and several people began moving toward them. Before things got out of control, three of the Strategic Services team closed ranks around Tessa, Adriene, and Peter, and moved them quickly toward the platform, with Lizzie following right behind.

Billy, Hattie, and Stacy continued at the more leisurely pace. No one knew who Stacy was yet, and Billy and Hattie were seldom recognized in public. In case something did happen, the three remaining Strategic Services bodyguards stayed nearby.

“It’s times like this I’m glad I have no desire to be an actor,” Stacy said.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Hattie said, then glanced at Billy, a twinkle in her eye. “How about you? Any thoughts of working in front of the camera instead of behind it?”

“Me?” he said. “Not a chance.”

When they reached the platform, they saw a couple dozen people standing by the last car, craning their necks to peer through the windows. One of the bodyguards stood by the nearest door, and another at the entrance at the far end of the car, preventing any unauthorized boarding.

Excited shouts rang out as Tessa and Adriene appeared at one of the windows, maskless. The crowd coalesced just outside, and the two stars waved.

While this was going on, Billy, Hattie, Stacy, and their security team climbed quietly onto the train a few cars back and made their way toward the last car. On the way, Billy picked out members of the CIA team assigned to watch his back, sitting in the car two away from the end. They studiously avoided his gaze.

Vesna sat in the last row of the same car.

As Billy neared, she glanced up from her magazine, then returned her gaze to the periodical, acting like she had no idea who he was.

A sign on the door to the final car readNo Entry Beyond This Pointin Italian.

Instead of open seating, like in the passenger cars Billy and the others had just passed through, the last car was divided into eight private cabins off a hallway that ran the length of the car.

Lizzie stepped out of one of the rooms. “Sorry to have deserted you like that. Did you have any issues?”

“Not a one,” Billy said. “Good call on the security.”

“Yeah,” she said. “But they’re done when we pull out. Now I’m wondering if I should have hired them for the full trip.”


“Not exactly, but did you get a look at the fans outside?”

“Just a glance.”

“Some of them have signs with Tessa’s name or picture on them. They were prepared.” She frowned. “Which means someone tipped them off.”

“How many people knew about our travel plans?”

“I thought only a handful.”

“Could it have been someone at the hotel?” Hattie said.

“That’s what I’m thinking. You don’t need to worry about any of that, though.” Lizzie smiled. “We have the whole car. Tessa and Adriene are in that cabin.” She pointed to the door she’d stepped through, then at the one next to it. “And Peter’s in there. You can join them or use one of the others.”

Billy and Stacy took the empty one on the other side of Peter’s, while Hattie joined her husband.

Once he was settled, Billy checked his phone again. While there was still nothing from Rogers, there was a message from Vesna.

Heard from one of my contacts who may have a lead on Paris assassin.