“What did you find?”

“Just generic stuff. Felt off to me.”

“Did you pass that on to Owen?”

He nodded. “The last time we spoke, I warned him that there was a good chance the guy wasn’t who he said he was.I told him he shouldn’t do anything until he could be sure one way or the other.”

“How did he respond?”

“He said he’d think about it. The next morning, he was dead.” Rogers shook his head. “It’s hard to believe this has something to do with the Trust, though. Stopping those involved was the purpose of Golden—” Rogers sucked in a breath. “Oh, shit.”


“A few days ago in Prague, I was followed to my hotel. I gave the guy the slip, but I have no idea who he was or why he was interested in me.”

“Were you working on anything that would have warranted that kind of attention?”

“That’s the thing. I wasn’t. But if he was following me because of Golden Hour…”

“That would explain his interest.”

Rogers nodded, then ran a hand through his hair. “That means he probably was there to kill me.”

“Do you have any guesses as to who could be behind this? Maybe someone associated with the Trust you remember from back then?”

After considering the question, Rogers shook his head. “Sorry. No one comes to mind. I do know a few people whomighthave heard something. I can contact them and report back.”

“That would be very helpful. How long do you think that will take?”

“I don’t anticipate any problems reaching them, so maybe by this evening. Tomorrow, latest.”

“Sooner is better. The longer whoever is behind this is allowed to operate, the more people will die.”

“I understand. Do I contact you directly or…?”

“Go through Billy Barnett,” Teddy said.

“He’s a movie guy, though. Unless he’s also with the Agency.”

“Not with, more a friend of. And his position provides the perfect cover to pass messages. No one will suspect his involvement with us.”

“I’ll do as you say.”

“One thing, though. He’s leaving tomorrow morning on the 7:55 a.m. train to Venice.”

“I’ll try to be in touch before then, but nopromises.”


By 8:00a.m., Teddy hadchanged into Billy Barnett and was in the hotel restaurant, having breakfast with Tessa, Peter, Hattie, Adriene, and an entertainment writer from one of Italy’s foremost entertainment news outlets.

Tessa, Adriene, and Peter regaled their guest with tales from the set, while Hattie discussed her approach for the soundtrack. Billy was thrown a few softball questions throughout the meal, for which he made sure to highlight the contributions of other members of the production staff.

At precisely ten a.m., Stacy approached the table and gave Billy a subtle nod.

“This has been a wonderful way to start our day,” he said to the reporter. “But unfortunately, we have another appointment we need to get to.”

They said their goodbyes, then the Centurion group headed out to a waiting van.