“What are you talking about?”

“It’s what you and your buddy Dieter talked about at lunch the other day. Or don’t you remember that?”

The first signs of concern flashed through Braun’s eyes.

“The director and the president have already been informed of your intentions.”

Braun’s sneer returned. “Nice try, Teddy. Nothing you say is going to change your fate. All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable.”

“Am I? Perhaps you should check in on those assassination teams you think you have on standby.”

Braun stared at him for a few seconds, then looked back at Dieter. Dieter pulled out his phone and started making calls. Each time he hung up without anyone answering.

Braun whirled to face Teddy. “You son of a bitch! What have you done?”

“My job.”


Braun flew around the table,his eyes glued to Teddy’s. As soon as he was in range, he sent a fist flying at Teddy’s cheek.

Anticipating it, Teddy leaned back and turned his head so that Braun’s hand only brushed his skin. Before Braun had a chance to pull his arm back, Teddy was on his feet.

He moved behind Braun, grabbed the man’s wrist, and yanked it behind Braun’s back.

Dieter, Rolf, and the other man pulled out their guns, but with their boss between them and Teddy, they didn’t have a shot.

“Let go of me!” Braun said, struggling to break free.

Teddy shoved the man’s arm higher, eliciting a shout of pain. “A little help, if you don’t mind,” he said.

“What?” Braun asked.

The request had not been directed at him.

The door was shoved inward and Vesna and several Strategic Services personnel swarmed in. Their guns swept the space and landed on Dieter and his colleagues, who were now pointing their pistols at the new arrivals.

“Drop your weapons!” Vesna ordered.

“You drop yours!” Dieter countered.

Knowing this was her chance to do the right thing, Jillian flung her clutch at Dieter’s head. He flinched to the side, bumping into the guy next to him, both of their pistols moving off their targets.

Vesna and three members of the Strategic Services team rushed them.

Two gunshots went off, the sound deafening in the small room.

Braun used the distraction to lurch out of Teddy’s grasp. Instead of running toward the entrance Vesna had used, he raced to the wall that had been at Teddy’s back and through a second door Teddy hadn’t realized was there.

Teddy sprinted after him.

Vesna went straight for Dieterand knocked the gun out of his hand.

A gunshot went off nearby, followed instantly by another.

Dieter took a swing at Vesna. She stepped back, out of the way, and pointed her weapon at him. “Iwillput a bullet in you if you try that again!”

The desperation on his face twisted into confusion. “Vesna?”