“He and the other man are not with them.”

Billy activated the Strategic Services channel on his comm. “Strauss, do you have a location on Dieter Wenz?”

“I do, indeed. He’s thirty meters to your right, behind one of the light towers.”


“Yes, and out of sight from your position. His companion is closer to the exit, tucked behind one of the movie poster decorations.”

“I’ve been told Braun was heading out. Can you confirm?”

“He and his date are in the queue waiting for their vehicle.”

“It looks like we’ll be going with option B.”

“Option B. Copy.”

“Pass the word. And let me know the moment Dieter or his buddy moves.”

“Will do.”

To Stone and Vesna, Billy said, “Shall we?”

“Let me check you first,” Vesna said.

Billy casually turned his back to her, like he was searching for someone.

After getting a look at the nape of his neck, she whispered, “You’re good.”

“I see Constance,” Billy said, as if Vesna hadn’t spoken. “Care to join me?”

“Why not?” Stone said.

They walked over to the festival’s director, who was speaking with a pair of women.

When their conversation ended, Billy said, “Constance, I wanted to thank you again for giving our movie the perfect kickoff.”

“We should be thanking you,” she said. “The film is marvelous.”

“Thanks. Will I see you at the panel discussion tomorrow?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

They said their goodbyes, then Billy, Stone, and Vesna headed for the vehicle pickup line.

When they neared the spot where Dieter’s colleague was hidden, Billy slowed. “How long until our ride gets here?”

Stone made a show of checking his phone. “Ten minutes.”

“Just enough time to use the restroom. You two go ahead. I’ll be back in a few.”

Rolf’s voice came over Dieter’scomm. “Barnett is going to the toilet.”

“Are the others going with him?”


“Follow him.”