He hit play.

“T-t-to be clear,” Jillian said, “I never said hewasFay. I said he could be. That’s why I continued looking into him.”

“So is this new person another ‘could be’?” Braun asked. “I don’t want to get my hopes up only for you to have made another mistake.”

“I didn’t make a mistake before,” she muttered.

“Technically, this new person is also acould be,” Lawrence said quickly. “But we’re more confident than we were about Turner.”

“Who’s Fay supposed to be this time?”

“Jillian?” Lawrence said.

There was the sound of movement.

“This man,” Jillian said.

Teddy had a bad feeling she was showing Braun the photo that Teddy had seen on her tablet.

“I assume he has a name,” Braun said, an edge still in his voice.

“He does,” Lawrence said. “It’s Billy Burnett.”

“Barnett,” Jillian corrected him.

Vesna sucked in a surprised breath.

“What makes you thinkhe’sFay?”

“This photo was taken at the commercial shoot in Budapest where Danielle Verde was injured,” Jillian said. “That is her on the ground, and as you can see, Barnett is running toward her.”

“Perhaps he was only reacting to her being hurt,” Wenz said.

“If Fay is supposed to be involved in the film festival, Barnett fits the bill,” Lawrence said. “He has a film playing there, doesn’t he, Jillian?”

“He does.Storm’s Eye.”

“Good for him,” Braun said. “I still don’t see how this means he’s Fay.”

“There’s more,” Lawrence said. “Tell him, Jillian.”

“Um, okay,” she said, clearly reluctant. “Barnett is in Europe on a press tour for his new movie. His first stop was in Rome, then he went to Venice.”

“He traveled there on the same train Oscar Schmidt was on,” Lawrence said.

Except for the distant clink of dishes at other tables, the recording went silent for more than a quarter of a minute.

“He was in Venice?” Dieter asked.

“Yes,” the woman said.

“How long?”

“A couple days.”

“So, he would have been there when Rick La Rose was.” From the way Dieter said this, Teddy thought it was aimed at Braun, not the other two. “Venice, Budapest, and soon Berlin…”

“Do you have a better picture of him than this?” Braun asked, sounding excited now.