“The hardware is basically a souped-up thumb drive. I can talk you through where to install it. Once that’s done, it’ll give me access to the system, and I can tweak the security settings however you’d like. When do you need this done?”
“We’re going in tomorrow night.”
“Wow, okay. And where exactly are you?”
Teddy could hear keys clacking, followed by a curse and more tapping. After another curse, Kevin said, “Uh, more bad news.”
“And that would be?”
“The soonest any commercial courier could have it there would be by seven p.m. tomorrow.”
“That would be cutting things awfully close.”
More typing drifted over the line. “There are some private courier services that could get it there sooner. Basically, a person carrying it on a flight and hand delivering. Yikes. Expensive, though, plus the cost of the flight. Damn, maybe I’m in the wrong business.”
Teddy highly doubted that Kevin-the-courier could make anywhere near the amount that Kevin-the-hacker did from the comfort of his basement, but it did give Teddy an idea.
“Are there any flights to Berlin leaving tonight?” he asked. It was barely evening where Kevin was.
Kevin worked his computer, then said, “Yeah. Several, actually. Looks like most have a few open seats.”
“Perfect. Book one for yourself.”
“Send me the details and I’ll have someone meet you at the airport when you get here.”
“Hold on. I don’t do house calls.”
“Do you have a passport?”
“That’s a yes, isn’t it?”
“Grab it, pack a few clothes, and get a move on.”
“I realize this is an unusual request, but I think it’ll work out best if you’re here. And if it helps, I’ll make sure you get a bonus.”
“But I don’t want to go to Germany.”
“Your mom is always telling you to get out more.”
“How would you know that?”
“That’s classified, but I’m happy to call her and see what she thinks about you going on a trip.”
“Please don’t!”
“Then buy your ticket and get on the plane. Don’t worry, you’re going to loveit.”