“Mind if I tag along?”
Back in his suite, Teddychanged from his suit into slacks and a black pullover, then called Stacy.
“What room is Monique staying in?” he asked.
“Three twenty-one.”
Before he could hang up, she said, “Hey, did you hear all those sirens earlier?”
“I did.”
“Do you know what happened?”
“Ask Tessa.”
“Why would I—”
“Gotta go. Bye, Stacy.”
He was heading for the door when his phone rang.
“I just got off the phone with Rick,” Lance said. “How is Danielle?”
“She wasn’t doing great when I last saw her. But you should call the hospital.”
“An embassy attaché is on the way there right now.”
“One of yours?”
“That’s not important.”
“Is he or she at least bringing some muscle to keep an eye on her?”
“Unfortunately, he has no muscle at his disposal. Rick is in contact with the local police. They should have some people there shortly.”
“Shortly might be all you have.”
“Which is why I’m calling you. I’m going to send the men who’ve been watching over you to the hospital to cover until a team from Paris arrives.”
After the night they’d had, Teddy didn’t like the idea of his friends being left without protection.
“I have a better idea,” he said. “Leave your people at the hotel. I’ll go.”
“Are you expecting trouble there?”
“I’m always expecting trouble.”
“All right. We’ll do it your way. I’ll have the attaché tell the hospital that we’re sending a security specialist, so they’ll be expecting you. What name will you be using?”
Teddy gave him a name from one of his sets of false IDs.
“Get there as quickly as you can,” Lance said, then hung up.
As much as Teddy wanted to head straight out, he couldn’t show up looking like Billy Barnett.