Lance would need help convincing him, and as luck would have it, he knew just who to call.

The man answered on the first ring. “Stone Barrington.”

“Stone, it’s Lance. Do you have a moment?”


“Tessa! Tessa! Over here!”

Tessa paused and waved at the gathered press as they took pictures.

“Tessa! This way!”

A red-carpet pro, Tessa swiveled smoothly from side to side so everyone could get a perfect shot of her in her Veronica De Piante dress.

“Over here! Hey, Tessa!”

“We may be here a while,” Billy whispered to Ben and Hattie.

They were standing several feet away to give Tessa the spotlight. While they, too, were award-winning celebrities in their own right, the press would take a superstar actress over a composer, a producer, and a studio head any day of the week.

After a few more shots, one of the publicists working the line ushered the trio over to Tessa for a few group pics.

Another PR person then guided them farther down the carpet to a reporter from Glitter Entertainment, who was just finishing up interviewing one of the costars ofNot on My Watch, the movie they were here to see. Behind the reporter was a roped-off area filled with excited fans.

“Thanks, everyone, for your support!” the actor said.

He waved and the fans cheered, then the Centurion group took his place at the mic.

“The Glimmer live stream continues with Oscar winners Tessa Tweed and her husband, Ben Bacchetti, head of Centurion Pictures,” the reporter said. “And with them are producer Billy Barnett and composer Hattie Barrington. What? No Peter Barrington or Mark Weldon tonight?”

“Peter’s putting the finishing touches on his next film,” Ben said. “And Mark is out of town and couldn’t make it back in time.”

“Would that next film be the highly anticipatedStorm’s Eye?”

“You are well informed.”

“Tessa, there are rumblings that your performance will have you in line for another Oscar.”

“I don’t know about that,” Tessa said. “But we’re not here to talk aboutStorm’s Eye. Tonight is all about Tom Norman andNot on My Watch, which we are all very excited to see.”

“Of course, but could you give us a little taste of what—”

There was a disturbance behind Billy and the others, then Tom Norman—the reigning action-movie box-office champion—popped up between Tessa and Ben. “Did someone mention my name?”

“Ladies and gentlemen, Tom Norman!” the reporter said.

The crowd roared with excitement.

Tom waved and smiled his megastar smile. “Thanks for coming, everyone! I expect you all to seeNot on My Watchwhen it opens on Friday!”

More cheers and excited shouts followed.

Tom put arms around Tessa’s and Ben’s shoulders. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you coming tonight.”

“We wouldn’t have missed it,” Tessa said.

“I’m looking forward to seeingStorm’s Eyeat the World Thriller Film Festival.”