Lizzie put a hand to the side of her mouth and stage-whispered, “You want to know a secret?”

“Of course,” Adriene said.

“Tessa and Mark will be the only ones working during the day tomorrow. You don’t have anything on your schedule until the evening, so you’ll have plenty of time to roam Venice.”


“Would I lie to you?”

“Then consider me a tourist! Stacy, if you’re not doing anything, you want to come with?”

“As long as Billy won’t need me,” Stacy said.

“I will not,” Billy told her.

Stacy smiled in excitement and said to Billy, “Thank you! Hey, you and Hattie will also be free. You should come, too.”

“That’s a great idea,” Adriene said.

“Count me in,” Hattie said. “But, Billy, didn’t you say something about visiting a friend?”

“I did,” Billy said, feigning disappointment. “I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on your Venetian adventure. But I’m sure you ladies will have a great time without me.”

“What friend?” Stacy asked. “You didn’t mention anything to me.”

“I’m mentioning it now.”

She frowned. “You really need to work on your communication skills.”

“I’ll put that on my to-do list.”

“See that you do.”

When she turned away, he mouthedthank youto Hattie. Her comment had help him cover the fact that he would be busy all day as Mark Weldon.

In short order, they arrived at the train station.

Tessa, Peter, Hattie, and Billy donned sunglasses and face masks to avoid being mobbed by fans.

Tessa then handed a spare mask to Adriene. “You should wear one, too.”

“No one’s going to know who I am.”

“You may be surprised. But even if that’s true, they will someday, so it’s good practice.”

Adriene put on the mask and her sunglasses.

“Everyone, wait here for a moment,” Lizzie said.

She hopped out and was immediately approached by three porters pulling luggage trolleys. She directed them to the back of the van, and they began transferring everyone’s bags to their carts. As this was happening, the Strategic Services team exited their vehicle.

Lizzie had a quick conversation with the bodyguards,then she reopened the van door. “All right, we’re set. Remember, act casual, and try not to do anything that will draw attention.”

When Billy climbed out, he whispered to Lizzie, “When we get back home, remind me to talk to Ben about getting you a raise.”

“Do not even joke with me about that.”

“I never joke about money.”