“Of course.”
“Perhaps there’s a country very much like my own, where a group of citizens have found someone who they would like to put in a prominent position. The only problem is that position is already held by someone who has become adept at abusing his power. A transition is desired, but…”
“But there are things that need to be done,” Braun said, “that your group of concerned citizens would rather not touch with their own hands.”
“Notmygroup of citizens. This is merely a story. But the gist of what you say is correct.”
“When would this removal hypothetically need to occur?”
“Soon, I would think. Perhaps even to coincide with our Independence Day holiday at the end of August.”
“A kind of celebration.”
“You could call it that. Of course, the group would still need to come to a final decision that it is the right thing to do, and then that they choose the right people to carry out the task.”
“In regard to the latter point, I would say they should look for a fictional company identical to my own. Such an organization would have the wherewithal to properly deal with the job.”
“I would think it important that they have experience in this area,” Kim said.
“I agree.”
Kim smiled. “I would also think that any potential clients would want to see proof of such experience.”
“Ah, that could be tricky but not impossible.”
“I’m sure it would be a requirement.”
“Then proof would be provided.”
“How quickly?”
Braun laughed good-naturedly. “Anyone who deals in this kind of business would want to make sure the client is serious first. You mentioned making a final decision. When do you think that will happen?”
“At a meeting to be held in three weeks, I would think. Fictionally, of course.”
“Then that’s when proof would be presented. Fictionally, of course.”
Thirty minutes later, Braun andDieter were back in the Mercedes.
“That went even better than I expected,” Braun said. “But you know what this means.”
“We need to complete both phase oneandphase two of our current mission in the next twenty-one days.”
“Not twenty-one. Fourteen. We need at least a week between the end of phase two and when we meet with Mr. Kim again.”
After eliminating the Golden Hour agents in the first phase of the operation, phase two would be a strike at the very top of the U.S. government. While the currentleadership hadn’t been the ones to allow Golden Hour to proceed, they did now represent that government.
Braun would then use its successful completion to secure the job Mr. Kim had dangled in front of them.
“I hope this Jillian woman is good at her job,” Dieter said.
“Lawrence says she’s the best.”
“If that’s true, then we should be able to make your deadline, no problem.”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
To Jillian Courtois’s surprise, thenew assignment came with a private office. It was a definite step-up from the cubicle she’d been in. Now she could close the door and not be bothered by anyone.