They also knew that Billy Barnett wasn’t Teddy’s only alternate persona. He was also Academy Award–winning actor Mark Weldon, aka Tyler Storm inStorm’s Eye.
Hattie Barrington, the film’s composer and Peter’s wife, eyed her husband, who was still writing in his notebook. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not happy?”
Peter glanced up. “Why do you think I’m not happy?”
“That worry line on your forehead, for one.”
“That obvious?”
“To me, yes.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m nothappy, but I could be happier,” he conceded.
“You say that about all your films,” Tessa Tweed, Ben’s wife, said. She was an Oscar-winning actress herself and had starred as Tyler Storm’s niece in the film.
“You do recall that you told us this would be the final cut, don’t you?” Ben said.
Peter grimaced. “Yeah, about that—”
Before he could continue, Ben said, “And that we’re already two weeks past when you were scheduled to have picture lock?”
“I do, but—”
“And, most importantly, the final film must be in the can before you leave for Europe in a few days.”
“It’s only one scene,” Peter said quickly.
“Which one?”
“The confession at the house.”
“I loved that part,” Tessa said. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Peter shook his head. “The pacing’s off.”
To Billy, Ben said, “Thoughts?”
Billy considered it for a moment, then said, “It’s a good scene, but if Peter thinks there’s room for improvement, then I trust him.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Ben said.
“I’m on the movie’s side, always and forever. Besides, there’s still time for him to work his magic. And weareunder budget.”
“For which I thank you,” Ben said.
“It’s what I do.”
“I promise I’ll be done before we get on the plane,” Peter said.
“The daybeforeyou get on the plane,” Ben said.
“You don’t trust me?”
“Oh, I trust you. But I also know that if the deadline is right before you board, you’ll find some way to keep tweaking it during the ride to the airport.”
Peter opened his mouth to argue the point, then shrugged. “You know me too well.”
On that coming Sunday, Peter, Billy, Tessa, and Hattie were departing on a European press tour to promoteStorm’s Eye’s upcoming release, finishing with the film’s world premiere at the inaugural World Thriller Film Festival in Berlin. Adriene Adele, one of the film’s other stars, would also be joining them.