“For the moment.”

“Is there anything else I need to know?”

Lance gave Billy an identification code to use when meeting Rogers, then they ended the call.

“Was that something I need to know about?” Stacy asked.

Billy shook his head. “Just a friend who wanted to send me something.”

“A friend with a rodent problem?”

“Moles in his yard.”

“How awful for him.”

“More than you know.”

Lizzie exited the hotel followed by three bellhops and several people in suits. The latter had to be the security team from Strategic Services’ European office, which had been specifically hired for use by the press tour group when necessary.

As soon as the bodyguards created a clear path through the fans to the hotel entrance, Lizzie climbed into the van and handed out room key cards.

When she was done, she said, “The elevators are on theleft side of the lobby. All the rooms are on the fourth floor, except for Stacy and me. We’re on five.”

Adriene glanced out the window at the crowd. “Do we just ignore them?”

“You can if you want. You can also give them a wave as you walk by. Or, if you’re up for it, you can sign a few autographs.”

Tessa caught Adriene’s eye. “What do you say? I’m game if you are.”

Adriene couldn’t hide her excitement. “Are you sure?”

“Of course.”

“I’d love that.”

“Peter, Hattie, do you want to join them or go to your room?”

“Room for me,” Hattie said.

“Me, too,” Peter said.

“Then the four of you go first,” Lizzie said, glancing at Billy and Stacy to include them. “I’ll stay back with Tessa and Adriene.”

“To make sure we’re not out there all day?” Tessa asked.

“You know me too well,” Lizzie said. “All right. Put on your smiles, everyone. Here we go.”


The elevator dinged as itreached the fourth floor.

“Lobby at six?” Billy asked Stacy as he, Peter, and Hattie exited.

“Yep. See you then.”

The door closed.

Peter looked at the sleeve that held his and Hattie’s key cards. “We’re in four-oh-four. That’s…” He looked at the directional sign on the wall. “To the right. Billy, where are you?”