“Of course they are,” Lizzie said.
“To be fair,” Hattie said, “they’re not here forallof us. They’re here for Tessa, Peter, and you.”
“Me?” Adriene said. “No one knows who I am.”
“Are you sure about that?” Billy asked, pointing at a person in the crowd holding a sign that read:Benvenuta a Roma, Adriene.
Her cheeks reddened. “Oh my.”
Having only been cast in bit parts before her costarring role inStorm’s Eye, she’d never been part of a press tour.
Tessa smiled. “I did tell you your life was going to change.”
“You did. It’s just…”
“Hearing it and experiencing it are two different things?”
“Exactly that.”
“Get used to it. You’ve earned it.”
“Everyone, hang tight here,” Lizzie said. “I’ll be right back.”
The noise of the crowd intensified as she opened the door and slipped out, but the shouts quickly turned to groans of disappointment when those waiting realized she wasn’t who they’d come to see.
Billy’s cell vibrated. “This is Billy Barnett.”
Lance Cabot’s voice came over the line. “I take it you’re not in a place you can talk freely.”
“That’s correct.”
“No problem. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve arranged for an old friend of yours to meet you in Rome.”
“Is that so?”
“Do you remember Samuel Rogers?”
“I do.” Rogers had been another one of the agents on Golden Hour.
“He’ll contact you within the next twenty-four hours. I believe he might have some information that could prove useful.”
“Good to know. I’ll keep an eye out.”
“You do that. I also wanted to let you know that we’ve begun seeding the rumor we discussed.”
“Wonderful,” Billy said, less than thrilled.
“Rogers will likely not have heard the rumor when you meet, so it may be best if he continues to believe Teddy Fay is dead. But you decide how you want to handle it.”
“Whatdidyou tell him?”
“That he’s meeting with the specialist I’ve sent.”
“Okay. Any update on your rodent problem?”
“Still working on it.”
“So, the problem remains.”