“Your task was to perform due diligence on the proposed purchase and that’s what you did,” Stone said. “As always, a thorough job. Thank you, Herb.”

Both Stone and Mike had been hopeful the site would prove to be a good location for the next Arrington Hotel. Unfortunately, Herb’s analysis had revealed zoning issues and infrastructure problems that could delay the start of construction for three years or more. No one was interested in waiting that long.

“Should I have Raul restart the search?” Herb asked. Raul Staggs was a corporate real estate broker who did a lot of referral work for Woodman & Weld.

“Please,” Stone said.

The meeting over, Stone made a stop by Bill Eggers’s office before heading home.

Bill’s door was closed, but a young woman Stone didn’t know was at the assistant’s desk. She had a serious, businesslike look about her.

“Good afternoon, is he in?”

“And you are?” she asked.

“Stone Barrington.”

“Ah,you’reMr. Barrington. I’m Paulina, Mr. Eggers’s new assistant.”

“Pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m supposed to tell you Mr. Eggers is out at a meeting.”

“Just me or everyone?”

“Just you.”

“Thank you, Paulina.”

He opened the door and strode inside. Bill looked up from his computer and sighed.

“What the— I told Paulina not to let you in.”

“Not true,” Paulina said from the doorway. “You only said to tell him you were out. Which I did.”

“I can attest to that,” Stone said.

“It’s the same thing,” Bill said.

Paulina looked as if she did not agree. “Mr. Barrington, correct me if I’m wrong, but you would have gone in no matter what I told you.”

“I would have.”

“Mr. Eggers, physically restraining people from entering your office was not listed as one of the job requirements. If you need someone who will do that, that is not me. If you would like, I can contact HR and request that they begin a search for my replacement.”

Bill grimaced. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you, Paulina.”

She smiled, then closed the door, leaving Stone and Bill alone.

“I like her,” Stone said.

“Don’t you even think about stealing her. She’s only been here a week, and she’s already the most organized assistant I’ve ever had.”

“Hiring away someone who can so obviously put you in your place? I wouldn’t think of it.”

“I should probably talk to her about that.”

“Good luck.” Stone took a seat across from Bill. “As much as I enjoy talking about your new assistant, she’s not the reason I’m here.”