Simon called his brother.

“What’s up?” Benji answered.

“I need you and your crew in Los Angeles before the day’s out.”

Chapter 20

While Dalton was at lunch, stewing over his encounter with Monica, she and Stone were headed across town in silence.

Monica, who was still rattled by seeing her former boss, had been staring out the window and didn’t rouse from her stupor until she realized the vehicle had stopped in front of her cousin’s house. “What are we doing here?”

“A change of clothes. Remember?”

“Oh, right.” She sighed. “Maybe I should take a rain check.”

“Not a cloud in the sky.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Because of Dalton?”

“I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am about all that. He’s the last person I expected to run into.”

“I got that impression, but I don’t see why you have anythingto be sorry about. Nor do I think you should let him ruin your day.”

She took in his words, then smiled for the first time since lunch. “You’re right. To hell with him.”


She opened her door. “Something comfortable, you said? Like for a hike?”

“That’ll work.”

“I won’t be long.”

Ten minutes later, she was back in the car, wearing a pair of sturdy boots, blue jeans, and a green button-up shirt. “How’s this?”

“It couldn’t be more perfect.”

“What about your clothes?”

“I’ll change when we get there.”

“Ooh, do I get to watch?”

“If you do, we may not get to do the other thing I have planned.”

“I’m willing to take that chance if you are.”

He drove her to the ranch of a friend he’d made while he’d still owned the Lees’ house. After retrieving a change of clothes from the trunk, he led Monica into the stables, where a ranch hand had two horses saddled and waiting.

“We’re going riding?” Monica asked, excited.

“I take it this isn’t your first time.”

“In years, yes, but not my first. My high school boyfriend was president of the FFA club.” She was referring to the Future Farmers of America. “It was one of our favorite things to do.”

“Then youwon’tbe joining me while I change?”