Simon’s expression seemed to momentarily freeze, then his eyes brightened as if he were impressed. “My, my. That’s wonderful. Such a talent. Do you have any of her paintings?”
“Over a dozen.”
“How remarkable. Would you ever consider selling any? If so, I know I wouldn’t have any problem finding a buyer.”
“Not even if I was down to my last penny. But if you ever hear of one coming on the market, I would be very interested. I take pleasure in finding them and adding to my collection.” Stone pulled out a business card and handed it to Simon.
“If that happens, you’ll be my first call.” Simon slipped the card into his pocket. “Now, if you’ll excuse us. Ivonne, there’s someone you should meet.”
“Do you mind continuing on your own?” Ivonne asked.
“We’ve already monopolized you more than we should have,” Stone said.
“Nonsense. I enjoyed every second.”
“Lunch next week?” Susannah asked her.
“Absolutely.” Ivonne gave them a quick wave and followed Simon into the crowd.
Ed excused himself to use the restroom, and Stone and Susannah moved to the next painting, joining two women who were already admiring it. Both had dark hair, one with hers cut just above her shoulders, and the other with hers falling halfway down her back. The former looked familiar to Stone, but he couldn’t place where he’d seen her.
“Donna?” Susannah said.
The woman with shorter hair looked over. “Susannah.”
They hugged.
“It’s good to see you out,” Susannah said.
She introduced her to Stone as Donna Otero, and upon hearing the name, he realized she was one of the people who’d left Ed’s office the day before.
Donna introduced the other woman with her as her cousin, Monica Reyes.
Monica’s dark eyes lingered on Stone’s as she said, “Nice to meet you.”
“And I you,” he said, his gaze lingering in the same way.
“Do you live in Santa Fe, Stone?” Donna asked.
“I used to have a house here, but my home has always been in New York.”
“What do you do there?”
“He’s a partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in the city,” Susannah said.
“We like to thinkthemost,” Stone said.
Donna’s face brightened. “You’re the one interested in my father’s property, aren’t you?”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to blindside you. Ed told my brother that he’d shown the property to someone he knew from New York who might be interested in buying it. He never mentioned a name.”
“Interested, yes, but no promises an offer will be forthcoming.”
“I understand. But you should know we are…What’s the term?”
“Motivated sellers?” Monica offered.