“My stomach is in your hands.”
“What would you like to drink?”
“Do you have Knob Creek?”
“Do I look uncivilized? Of course we do. Ed?”
Ed grimaced. “I have a meeting later this afternoon, so I’m afraid I’ll have to stick to iced tea.”
“Very good.” Danny gave them a small bow and left.
“I helped Danny out of a difficult situation with his former landlord, so now I get the royal treatment. I would come more, but he doesn’t let me pay. Feels wrong to take advantage of that, but it’s the best Italian food in town.”
“How long has he been here?”
“About two years.”
“I take it he has a better landlord now.”
“I might be biased, but I’d say so.” Ed smirked. “Susannah and I own the building.”
A waitress arrived with their drinks and a caprese salad for each of them.
After she left, Ed said, “I hear the Russian mob’s been keeping you busy.”
“Don’t believe all you read.”
There had been several articles about the incident at the New York State Bar Association dinner in which Stone played one of the starring roles. And though he had pulled as many strings as possible to keep his name out of it, stories in a few of the less reputable papers had implied his participation, to a surprisingly accurate degree.
“And on a completely unrelated note,” Stone added, “I’ve been reliably informed their unsavory attention has moved elsewhere.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“You and me both.”
“And how are things going with the Arrington?”
Stone grimaced.
“We’re starting to expand in the U.S. like Marcel’s been doing in Europe, with the International Arrington Group. We were looking at a property in Phoenix, but it fell through last week.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“As both you and I know, that’s business.”
Their conversation turned to other things and soon Danny returned with their waitress, carrying their lunch.
As she set the plates in front of Stone and Ed, Danny said, “This is a personal favorite. Lobster ravioli in creamy white wine sauce. Lobster flown in this morning, and pasta made fresh today. Please enjoy.” He and the waitress retreated.
Stone took a bite and his eyes lit up.
“Not bad, right?” Ed said.
“Ed, not bad doesn’t even come close to how good this is.”
When they were finished, Ed requested the check, but Danny was having none of it. When he wasn’t looking, Ed slipped some cash under his plate, and Stone and Ed headed out.