“My opinion isn’t the important one. The only thing you need to know is that I’ll be waiting for you whenever you leave office.” He pulled her into his arms. “You remember what I told you in Los Angeles, when you first talked about possibly not running again?”

“You mean when you bought that Malibu house I liked.”

He smiled. He had purchased the house and told her that if she decided not to run again, he would give it to her once she left office. And that if she did run, he’d donate the purchase price to a PAC supporting her reelection.

“My offer still stands.”

“But I only get the house if I don’t run again?”

“Are you trying to negotiate with me?”

“A question has been asked, Counselor. Your response?”

He kissed her cheek. “What would I do with a house in Malibu? I have too many houses as it is.”

“You could sell it.”

“Get rid of your dream home? I don’t think so.”

“Then it’s mine either way?”

“It is.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.” She pulled his face to hers. “Enough talking.”

Later, as they lay in the afterglow, sleep tugging at them, Holly whispered, “If I do run again and win, that’ll mean another fouryears of this. Do you promise you’ll still be there for me at the end?”

“Since it would be illegal for you to serve a third term, I could probably manage it.”

“Probably?” she teased, then tweaked his nipple.

He pulled her close so she couldn’t do it again. “Do you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?”

“You think another four years of this would be easy?”

“Compared to what we’ve been through until now, it’ll be a walk in the park.”

She snuggled into him.

“Besides, I have a feeling you’ve already made up your mind.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face. When she didn’t respond, he asked, “Am I right?”

But Holly was already asleep.

Chapter 11

In New York City, earlier that day, Winston Petry’s intercom beeped. “Yeah?”

“Mr. Savage to see you,” his assistant said.

“Send him in.”

Nico entered and approached Petry’s desk.

Without looking up, Petry said, “So, what’s it to be? Did you bring me your resignation letter, or do you have a new plan?”

“A plan.”