Page 107 of Stuart Woods' Smolder

“Do the authorities think he was trying to run away?”

“They’re not saying, but…”

“But what?”

“He was found behind a couple of dumpsters and wasn’t wearing any shoes.”

“Oh my God.”

“If itisyour thieves, they’ve just added murder to their list of deeds.”

That was exactly what Monica was thinking. “What painting was lost?”

“Hold on…Here it is.Morning on the Avenueby Matilda Stone.”

Another Matilda Stone? There’s no way it’s a coincidence.

“Are you still there?”

“Sorry,” Monica said. “Was there anything else?”

“That wasn’t enough?”

“More than enough. Thank you for the info.” Monica was about to say goodbye when she thought of another question. “What’s Dalton doing about it?”

“Nothing at the moment. He took a couple of days off. His assistant tried to reach him, but you know Dalton. His phone has been off.”

“Thanks again, Patricia. Let me know if anything else comes up.”

“I will.”

When Monica disconnected the call, she noticed the alert on her message app and remembered the vibration from earlier.

She tapped on it and saw that she had another text from Tristan.

Change of plans

Can’t do 8 but am free until 5

I’m at the Waving Palm Motel

in Mar Vista room 120

LMK if you can’t make it

She knew she shouldn’t go alone, but five p.m. was in less than an hour. No way she could wait for Stone to get back then get there in time. Letting this opportunity slip through her hands wasn’t an option, though—especially given the news Patricia had told her.

She replied:

Be there in 30

She pulled the towel around her and hopped off the table.

“Sorry,” she called to the masseur. “Something’s come up, and I need to leave. Thank you. It was great.”

“Oh, okay. Well, um—”

By then she’d already rushed back into the house and couldn’t hear anything else.