“Not my firm, but Steele Insurance does.”
“Steele Insurance? Do you know someone there?”
“Yes. Me. I’m on their board.”
She stared at him, wide-eyed. “You are a handy man to know.”
“Feel free to show your appreciation later tonight.”
“Why wait for tonight?” She turned her horse back the way they’d come and looked over her shoulder. “Coming?”
He brought his gelding around. “After you.”
Stone came out of the bathroom the next morning to find Monica sitting on the end of the bed, frowning at her phone.
“Something wrong?”
“I think my contact is officially ghosting me.”
“Have you tried calling?”
“I don’t have his number.”
“I thought you said you texted with him.”
“He texts me from a blocked number. I can contact him via e-mail. He said he wanted it that way to protect himself.”
“Then it sounds like you’ve done all you can. How about some breakfast?”
They dressed and relocated to the kitchen. Since Martha had the day off, Stone rooted around in the refrigerator to see what was available. “How does a mushroom and spinach omelet sound?”
“Divine. Anything I can help with?”
Stone was plating the second omelet when Monica’s phone began ringing.
Her face brightened.
“Is it him?” Stone asked.
“Maybe. The number isn’t blocked, but I don’t recognize it.”
She accepted the call.
“Hello?…Yes, this is she.” Her eyebrows pinched as she listened. “Good morning, Detective.” She listened for a moment and then turned on the speaker function so Stone could listen in. “I’m sorry, could you say that again?”
A woman’s voice came through the speaker. “Do you know a man named Joshua Paskota?”
“I’ve never heard that name before.”
“You’re sure?”
“I am. What’s this about?”
“There was an accident the night before last. A single car crash, one fatality.”