“Naturally, we’ll have dinner together this evening first. Unless you have other plans.”

“I do have some work to do today, but I could make myself available later.”

“Pick you up at seven?”

“You haven’t even dropped me off yet.”


She smirked. “Seven is perfect.”

After they finished, Stone drove her to her cousin’s house, then headed to the airport.

Having arrived a bit early, he stopped by to check on his G-500 and found Faith there.

“Morning. Didn’t expect to see you here. Everything all right?”

“One of the tires needed changing. Had the FBO do it this morning. Just checking their work.” FBO was short for fixed-base operator, companies that provide aviation services to private and chartered aircraft, among others.

“All good now?”

“Aces,” she said. “I was thinking about taking a road trip toRoswell. My boyfriend’s son is into UFOs lately, and I’d like to get him a few souvenirs.”


This was news to Stone. He and Faith had had a short-lived relationship before she had started working for him, which was when he learned about her rule of never sleeping with anyone more than three times. Not wanting to be controlled by what he considered a random number, he had ended things after two.

“I know, I know,” she said. “I’m just as surprised as you.”

“Is he good to you?”


“Then I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks. And my side trip?”

“Go. I’ll call you if I need you to come back.”

The rumble of an approaching jet drew their attention to the sky.

“Another G-500,” Faith said. She squinted. “Is that the Strategic Services jet?”

Stone checked his watch. “I believe it is.”

The plane landed without issue and taxied to the area in front of the hanger Stone’s plane was using.

“Try not to get abducted by aliens,” Stone said to Faith, then walked over to the newly arrived jet.

Mike exited first, followed by Herb Fisher, and three people Stone didn’t know.

“Good flight?” Stone asked.

“Textbook,” Mike said.

He introduced the rest of the team. Architect Eliza Dinh andproject manager Cory Aldridge were representing the architectural firm Athey & Li, and engineer Ellen Herlin, Black/Ross Engineering.

Mike and Herb rode with Stone, while the others took a rental van.