“My friends back home will never believe this.”
“In Fillmore?”
“Them, too. But I was thinking of the ones in New York. Ilive there, too, almost two years now. How long have you been there?”
“My entire life.”
“And how long has that been?”
“I still have a few good years left in me, if that’s what you’re asking.”
She looked him up and down. “You definitely do.”
He nodded at her empty glass. “Another?”
As he refilled their glasses, she said, “I’ve been wondering something.”
“How I know three presidents?”
“That, too, but we can get to that later. In the car earlier, what would you have said if I had told you the person who called me was a boyfriend or husband?”
“It’s not so much what I would have said, as what I would have done.”
“Which would have been…?”
“To politely escort you home and tell you I had a wonderful evening.”
She considered this for a moment, then said, “And now that we’ve almost finished our nightcap? Are you still planning on escorting me home?”
“I am. But not until after breakfast.”
Chapter 17
Stone woke to the brush of Monica’s lips traveling down his chest.
“Good morning,” he said.
She moved her lips several inches south. “Only good?”
“Is that what I said? I meant great.”
He drifted into a half-dream state as she worked him to the edge of endurance, then backed off to prolong his agony. Finally, she rolled onto her back and pulled him on top of her, then gently guided him home.
She held him close as his rhythm rocked her into the mattress. With one hand, she guided his pace, sometimes urging him faster and other times slower, teasing the most out of every moment.
Sensing he could hold out no longer, she clutched him even tighter, and as he finished, she shuddered below him. When theworld finally came back into focus, they kissed soft and deep and long.
Stone had been with more physical lovers, but seldom had there been one so sensuous. She was, in a word, intoxicating.
While Monica showered, Stone found Martha in the kitchen and discussed breakfast. After he was clean and dressed, they ate eggs, chorizo, and skillet-fried potatoes poolside.
“I could get used to this,” Monica said.
“Then what do you say to breakfast again tomorrow?”
“Just breakfast?”