She peered into the house without taking a step. “Who lives here? The president?”

“Two of them, actually.”

She laughed and stepped inside, then halted a few feet in when her gaze landed on a picture of both Presidents Lee with their son.

“Oh, my God. You weren’t joking.” She turned to Stone. “This is…this is Kate Lee’s house.”

“Will might be offended you left him out.”

She twirled around, as if expecting to see them.

“They’re in Hawaii.”


“I’m just using their place while I’m in town.”

“Wait, the guards. Are they Secret Service?”

“Now you’re getting it.”

“You actuallyknowKate and Will Lee.”

“More than know. They are dear friends.”

She looked at him for a moment longer, then walked deeper into the house.

“Wow. This place is beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me? You said it wasn’t your place.”

“It was once. I traded it with Will and Kate for their townhouse in D.C.”

“Traded houses. With the Lees.” She shook her head, as if she couldn’t fully comprehend the words. “Next you’re going to tell me you know Holly Barker, too.”

Deciding it best not to completely overwhelm her, he said, “I may have met her a few times.”

“I could use that nightcap now.”

“How does a nice port sound?”

“At this point, peppermint schnapps would be fine.”

Stone poured two glasses of Taylor Fladgate Vintage Port, gave one to Monica, then sat with her on one of the couches.

She took a fortifying sip, then cocked her head. “Whoareyou?”

“Exactly who I said I was.”

“A New York lawyer who happens to know two presidents.”

Stone held up three fingers.

“Right. Three presidents.”

He shrugged, conceding the point.