“Ha. I haven’t had one of those in…God, longer than I can remember.”
“Husband, then?”
“That, I’ve never had.”
“Glad to hear it.”
She remained silent for a few seconds, then said, “A former employer.”
“I don’t think you’ve mentioned what you do.”
“Finance related. Boring stuff.”
A few minutes later, they arrived at the Lees’ gate and a Secret Service agent appeared at Stone’s window.
“Where did he come from?” Monica asked.
Stone rolled down the window.
“Good evening, Mr. Barrington,” the agent said. He looked across at Monica. “Good evening, miss. Could I see an ID, please?”
She glanced at Stone, confused.
“He’s just doing his job,” Stone assured her.
“Um, okay.” She retrieved her driver’s license and handed it to Stone, who passed it to the agent.
“One moment.” The man disappeared into the dark
“You have a security staff?” Monica asked.
“It’s a friend’s house.”
“That’s right. You don’t live here. I didn’t realize anyone in Santa Fe had this kind of security.”
“My friends are a special case.”
The agent reappeared and returned the license to Stone. “Everything checks out. Have a good evening.”
The gates rolled open and Stone drove in.
As they got out of the car, another agent greeted them.
“Miss Reyes, I’ll need to check your bag.”
“What do you think I could possibly hide in here?” she asked, touching her small clutch.
“I wouldn’t know, miss. That’s why I need to check it.”
She handed it over, and he jogged around the side of the house, out of sight.
“Where’s he going?”
“To run it through the X-ray machine.”
She stared at Stone. “X-ray machine? Where the hell have you taken me?”
“Not hell, I assure you.” Stone opened the front door. “After you.”