“Now, I’m afraid. I’m catching a ride with Kate and Will to the airport.”
“Let me see you out, at least.”
He pulled on some clothes and walked her to the front door.
A half dozen suitcases were lined up in the entryway.
“I didn’t realize you’d brought so much.”
“Those would be ours,” Kate said, walking up behind them.
Will was with her, carrying their still sleeping son.
The front door opened, and a Secret Service agent stepped in. “Madame President, Madame President, Mr. President, whenever you’re ready.”
Stone walked them to the Suburban while several agents carried the Lees’ luggage to another vehicle.
“We’ll be gone the rest of the month,” Will said to Stone, following Kate into the SUV. “Stay as long as you want.”
“Thanks and have a great trip,” Stone said.
Holly wrapped her arms around him. “I was so looking forward to this.”
“Me, too.”
They kissed until Will rolled down his window and said, “I don’t mean to be an asshole, but there’s a beach in the Pacific calling my name.”
Stone and Holly reluctantly parted.
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” she said.
“Me? Never.”
She snorted. “Right.” She entered the car, and the motorcade departed.
While Stone ate breakfast, he considered flying on to L.A. that day, but that would mean arriving more than a week before the Centurion board meeting. As much as he enjoyed Los Angeles, it couldn’t compete with the peace and calm of Santa Fe. And after everything he’d been through in the last few months, a little bit of peace was welcomed.
Besides, Will and Kate weren’t his only friends in town.
He picked up his phone and called Ed Eagle, a lawyer who worked out of an office in town.
“Stone, this is a nice surprise. How are you doing?”
“I’m good, Ed. And you and Susannah?”
“Happy and healthy.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“When are you going to come out and visit us again?”
“How about today?”
“Don’t tell me you’re already in town?”
“Guilty as charged.”