“For the third time,” Dino clarified.

“For the third time, I shot him in self-defense.”

“I buy it.” Dino looked at the two detectives. “Any reason to think otherwise?”

“Nope,” Brennan said.

“Sir, I would like to question Mr. Barrington further,” Morris said.

“You mean retired NYPD Detective Barrington?” Dino said.

“Detective?” Morris shot a look at Brennan. “You didn’t tell me that.”

Brennan put a hand on his partner’s back and said, “That’ll be all, Stone. Thank you for your cooperation.”

He guided Morris out of the kitchen.

“What does a guy have to do to get some coffee around here?” Dino asked.

“Allow me, Commissioner.” Stone made Dino a coffee, then asked, “I don’t suppose there’s any news on the ones who got away?”

“I put out an APB after I talked to you, but you didn’t give me much to go on.”

“So that’s a no.”

“Perceptive as always.”

Stone motioned toward the hallway where the techs were working. “You’re not going to need me to stay in town because of all this, are you?”

“I don’t know. Could be fun to let Detective Morris spend a little more time with you.”

“I’m supposed to meet Holly in Santa Fe tomorrow night.” Stone checked his watch. It was almost three a.m. “Make that tonight.”

“Far be it from me to stand in the way of the president and her boy toy.”

“Promise me you’ll never say that again.”

“I don’t know. I kind of like it. Hey, maybe the Secret Service can use it as your code name.”

“Don’t even think about suggesting it.”

“Would I do you dirty like that?”

“In a heartbeat.”

“If going to Santa Fe will keep you from being so cranky, go with my blessing. I’ll let you know if we need you back here.”

“Thanks, Dino.”

“Dinner’s on you when Viv and I see you in Los Angeles.”

“It will be my pleasure.”

Twenty minutes earlier, Nico paced his office, wondering what was going on. Toby had sent him a text, telling Nico he and his crew were going in, and then nothing.

How long did it take to rip up a few paintings?