Page 172 of Stuart Woods' Smolder

“How—How about ten million?” Petry said. “You can walk away and never have another worry in your life.”

Stone chanced a peek into the staff-only area. Petry was cornered against one of the couches with Phillip looming over him, his gun ready at his side.

“Ten?” Phillip said. “Why not twenty?”

“Twenty? Sure, sure. Just let me use my phone and I’ll make the transfer.”

“What about thirty?”

“Um…okay. I—I should be able to do that. You have to understand, some of my money is tied up in—”

Phillip pointed his pistol at Petry’s head. Petry yelped and cowered behind his arms.

“How much is your life worth? What about every penny you have?”

“Please don’t. I’m sorry for what happened to you. It was Nico’s idea. I didn’t know until it had already happened.”

“I’m not that stupid.”

Stone was sure Phillip’s patience had just about run out, so he aimed the SIG at him. “Drop the gun, Phillip.”

Phillip whipped around, his pistol following his gaze.

“Barrington?” Petry said, confused.

“I said, put the gun down.”

“Huh,” Phillip said. “So, you’re the guy all the fuss has been about.”

“I’m the guy. And I’m telling you there’s no need for anyone else to die.”

“I would think you’d be happy. I am about to do you a favor.”

“I’d be happier to see him spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Phillip nodded. “I can see how that might be attractive, but it ain’t going to happen.Youputyourgun down. I don’t have any reason to kill you, but if you insist on getting in the way, I will.”

From the rift in the wall, Teddy said, “That would be a mistake.”

Phillip twisted toward him, surprised. “Who the—”

Before he could say anything else, Petry launched onto Phillip’s back. Phillip’s finger twitched and the gun went off, kicking up a spray of concrete near Teddy.

Phillip threw an elbow into Petry’s face, then grabbed the man’s hair, yanked him off, and shoved him to the floor.

Stone squeezed off a shot a second before Phillip pulled his own trigger. Stone’s bullet hit Phillip in the chest, spinning him as he fired. Phillip’s shot ricocheted off the concrete floor and smacked into the wall near Stone’s head.

For a heartbeat, Phillip remained on his feet, then he dropped to the floor with a loudthud.

Petry scrambled to his feet and ran to the rear door. But when he pulled it open, he froze.

Dino was standing on the other side. “Leaving so soon, Mr. Petry?”

“And not even with a thank-you for saving his life,” Stonesaid as he stepped into the room. “Dino, could you please escort our guest back to the couch?”

“With pleasure.”

Stone moved over to Phillip and saw that there was no need to check for a pulse. The man was staring dead-eyed at the ceiling, his chest still.