“Don’t pay attention to her, Tracy,” Stone said. “You can go back to your office.”

“Just a moment,” Joan said. “Tracy, you know how Stone has been moping around all week?”

“Um, well, I guess.”

“You did ask me about it, didn’t you?”

Tracy looked mortified. “I—I—I didn’t mean…”

Joan glanced at Stone. “She asked me if this is the way you always are.”

Tracy covered her face with the pad. “Oh, God. I’m sorry. I, um…”

“It’s okay, dear,” Joan said. “You have excellent observation skills. And you are right to be upset. Hehasbeen moping.”

Tracy stared at Joan, appalled. “You told him I was upset?”

“It’s fine. He needs to hear those kinds of things now and then.” To Stone, Joan said, “What you need is to get out of town. You have the Centurion Pictures board meeting coming up soon, you should head out now. Take in some sun.”

“I can get plenty of sun here, thank you very much.”

“Says the man who hasn’t left the house since last Wednesday.”

He smiled at Tracy. “I appreciate your concern. Thank you. You can return to your office.” His gaze moved to Joan. “As for you, I’m sure there’s something you can busy yourself with.”

The phone began to ring.

“Like that,” he said.

Joan disappeared and the ringing stopped.

“Dino on one,” she yelled.

Stone picked up the line. “What do you want?”

“Just as I suspected,” Dino said. “You’re moping, aren’t you?”

“Have you been talking to Joan?”

“Is this a trick question? She answered the phone.”

“It’s a coordinated attack.”

“Now you’re sounding paranoid. Maybe you should get out of town for a while.”

Stone dropped his forehead into his hand.

“Are you still there?” Dino asked.

“I guess a trip might not be that bad of an idea,” Stone admitted.

“When have I ever steered you wrong?”

“Do you want a complete list or just the highlights?”

“I’ll pretend you didn’t ask that.”

“If I do go somewhere, do you want to join me?”