Page 103 of Stuart Woods' Smolder

She smirked. “In either case, my answer would be yes.”

“Great,” Dino said. “I’ll introduce you to my daughter-in-law.”

“Who’s your daughter-in-law?”

“Tessa Tweed.”

Monica turned and looked into the back where he and Viv sat. “You’re not pulling my leg, are you?”

“He is not,” Stone said.

“In that case, I would be thrilled to meet yourdaughter-in-law.” She faced forward. “Iwillneed to do some clothes shopping first, though.”

A few miles on, Stone said, “Does anyone mind if we make a stop before we eat?”

“I’m still full from breakfast,” Monica said.

“Okay by me,” Dino said.

Viv nodded her agreement.

Stone turned into a private seaside neighborhood where many celebrities had homes.

As he pulled up to the guarded gate, Monica whispered, “Do you know someone who lives here?”

“Not yet,” Stone said.

He identified himself to the guard, and they drove into the colony. They passed several large homes before Stone turned into a driveway and parked.

“This is gorgeous,” Monica said, looking at the house. “Whose house is this?”

“At the moment, mine.”

They all climbed out and he led them inside.

“Oh, my,” Monica said as they entered the living room.

The all-glass back wall overlooked the beach and the ocean beyond.

“Like it?” Stone asked.

“It’s spectacular. Are you planning on moving here?”

“Not a chance. I enjoy visiting California, but my home is in New York, and always will be.”

She looked around. “There’s no furniture. Don’t you ever stay here?”

“My house at the Arrington is more than enough for me.”

“You’re going to let this place sit empty then?”

“That, I’m afraid, is a state secret.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Has anyone ever told you that you can be exasperating sometimes?”

“We have. Multiple times,” Dino chimed in.

“I’ve never said that,” Viv disagreed.