The door buzzed, and Audrey looked down at herself. “I think you better get it,” she said. She eyed my pants. “You okay to do that?”

“I’m fine,” I said, grinning. “I’ve just seen your as**s in a thong. I’m gonna die a happy man.”

* * *

We started to eat on my bed. I got up and threw Audrey one of my old Wharton T-shirts.

“What’s that for?” she asked.

“You need to be comfortable while you eat. I hate to ruin the view, though.” She went into the bathroom for a second and came back out wearing the T-shirt and only the T-shirt, which made my co**ck stir again.

I knew what was under that shirt and I wanted it, bad.

She padded out barefoot to the kitchen and came back with two more beers. It was almost as if this morning had never happened, that I’d never fired her and she’d never left. We ate in silence, watching the game, sharing the onion rings.

I picked up the dishes when we’d finished. Audrey looked up at me, the bravado gone from her face just like the lingerie was gone from her body. “Thank you,” she said, and it was a loaded thanks, not just for clearing the dishes.

“I should be saying that to you. You were brave to come back here.”

I went out to the kitchen and threw everything in the sink. She was brave, and I was a coward. When she’d put her hand on me last night at the restaurant, I’d lost my mind. I’d lost all control. Her touch had scorched me, and without thinking, I’d let my instincts take over. My instincts wanted to f**k her, hard.

But that’s not all they wanted, and that was the larger part of the problem.

I went back to my room and sat down next to her, closer this time. I stroked her arm lightly and I felt her stiffen, as if she was bracing for the worst. I couldn’t blame her, not after the way I’d betrayed her this morning.

“Do you remember everything that we did last night?” I asked her, my fingers trailing up her arm.

She bit her lip and looked at me. I could see the traces of puffiness around her eyes still, the vulnerability in her face. “I wish I could forget it,” she said.

I continued to stroke her arm. “I have…issues, Audrey. I sort of told you about them. I have a hard time getting close to people.”

She was watching my face.

“Last night was pretty intense,” I said. “I didn’t know how to handle it in the morning. I was confused and feeling…” My voice trailed off as I struggled to articulate my thoughts.

“Feeling what?”

“Just feeling.” I watched my finger move up and down her arm. I didn’t look her in the face. “It made me uncomfortable. That’s why I fired you.”

“So why’d you hire me back? And also say you wanted sex, if it was the sex that caused the problem?”

One of the things I liked about her was that she was direct. But that could also be a challenge—especially when you were trying to obfuscate the truth from yourself. I sighed and rolled onto my back. “We don’t have to have sex if you don’t want to, Audrey.”

“I didn’t say that.” Her voice was defensive, but it also sounded hurt.

“I hired you back because you’re a nice girl, and we had a deal. I told Elena that I wanted sex to be included in our arrangement now because I enjoyed last night. If you came back, I wanted that to be out in the open. Part of our agreement.” I paused for a second. “Services requested and services rendered.”

It didn’t feel good coming out of my mouth, but I made myself say it anyway. Going forward, sex was going to be part of our contract. Last night had just been us, and it had been dangerous. I’d come so many times I’d barely been able to see straight, and the depth of my org**asms had shocked me. I knew Audrey had orgasmed, again and again, because I’d felt her body clench around mine.

I’d also heard her screaming my name.

“I’m fine with sex being part of the arrangement. I like things to be straightforward. It makes them easier to deal with,” she said.

“That’s exactly what I mean,” I said, relieved that we seemed to be on the same page. “So… will that be okay? You’re back, and we have the same arrangement as before. Except now sex is part of the deal.”

“Works for me,” Audrey said, business-like.

I smiled at her. “Let’s just enjoy each other. We have a whole week left.”

“Deal,” Audrey said. She sounded relieved, too.

She leaned back on the pillow and went back to watching the game. I lay beside her, stroking her arm again. She was so beautiful, even with no makeup and my old shirt on. Especially with no makeup and my old shirt on. After a while she turned to me, running her fingers along my face. I leaned over and kissed her then, tasting her sweet mouth, crushing my lips against hers.