She stared out the window, the tension obvious in her shoulders. “She just needed money. Her car got… towed. That’s all.”

“Does she always ask you for money?”

“She doesn’t always ask, James.”

“Ah,” I said. “So she’s an alcoholic, and she’s a problem.”

“She’s an alcoholic, and she’s a problem.” She smiled at me bravely. “Just another sob story from your friendly neighborhood escort.”

I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I just held her close and hoped that made it a little better.

* * *

I made love to her again that night, slowly. We didn’t say a word. I understood her body now, what she wanted, and all I wanted was to be inside her. We came at the same time. As I spent myself into her she called my name again. It left me with a deep ache, a yearning. I didn’t know what that was, and I didn’t know what to do with it. So I just wrapped myself around her as if she were mine, holding her from behind while we slept.

But she wasn’t mine. It’s like a timeshare, baby. No one gets to own me. You just get to stay a while. Her words echoed in my head as I drifted off to sleep. I hated those crude words. I hated the truth behind them…

I woke up the next morning pressed against her, hard again. She moved closer in her sleep, but I rolled over, not letting my erection overtake my thoughts. Today was the day of the rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow was the wedding. Then, Eleuthera.

Then, no more Audrey.

I looked at her nak**ed back, rising and falling with her breath. She was too young to have dealt with everything that had been thrown her way. I hadn’t let myself really dwell on the fact that she was a hooker. She was a hooker. I wouldn’t even let myself imagine all the men she’d been with.

Probably not as many women as you’ve been with, as**shole, I thought. That was true. And I’d only ever had feelings for one of them.

Now, two.

But when I thought about Danielle, what had happened… I shuddered. I couldn’t let anyone down like that again. I didn’t trust myself with another person’s heart.

Fuck, I thought, and rolled back over. My erection pressed against Audrey, demanding and fierce. But what was I going to do? Move back to Boston so I could date my escort? Relocate her to California so I could put her up in a condo and see her whenever I liked, keeping her from my family and the rest of the world?

My family would never accept her, even as the fake orphan/graduate-school student she was pretending to be. Even buoyed by that lie, she wasn’t good enough. If they found out she was an escort from a destitute family, they would hate her. My mother would make her life a living hell.

Audrey’s background didn’t matter to me—neither did my family’s opinion. But they would never treat her like a Preston. Even if I could accept that, it would be cruel to ask her to.

My head was spinning. I pressed my forehead against her back, trying to block out my swirling thoughts. This is why I didn’t want a relationship, I thought. Too many f**king issues.

She woke up then, turning over to me and smiling. “Hey,” she said, a blush creeping up her neck.

The only escort in the history of escorts who blushed. She was adorable.

Any thoughts I’d just been having about issues vanished when she smiled at me like that. “Hey,” I said and leaned down and kissed her.

She looked at me, sheepish. “I really need to brush my teeth.”

She went to get up, but I grabbed her arm. “Don’t,” I said. “Don’t go.”

Audrey looked at me, confused for a second, and then settled back down on the bed. She moved her body against my hardness. “Ah,” she said. “Do you need some services rendered, sir?” she wrapped her hand around my hard length and squeezed.

I sucked in my breath, hard. Maybe if I buried myself in her again, an answer about what to do would present itself.

Even if it wouldn’t, I had to get back in there.

I kissed her again urgently. “Yes. But I’m going to be the one doing the rendering. Lie back,” I growled.

* * *

Audrey’s phone kept beeping while she was in the shower. I went into the steamy bathroom to tell her and also as an excuse to watch her.

“Audrey. Your phone.” I could see her glorious silhouette, her as**s and thighs tight and muscular. My co**ck stirred again. Down boy, I thought. We’d done it twice already this morning. We had to get dressed and eat at some point, even if I never wanted either one of us to leave that bed again.

“I’ll get it in a minute. Thank you,” she called, rinsing her hair.