She shook her head and pointed at herself. “No billionaire’s gonna buy me. ’Cause I’m a whore, Dre, and I don't even feel bad about it. But you’re different. You're doing this to take care of your brother. You’re actually a good girl. Mr. Suit knows that. I can tell.”

“He’s not going to buy me,” I said miserably.

“He might.” She grinned at me and shrugged. “Crazier shit’s happened, that’s for sure.”

“What about you and Cole?”

“I am going to suck him as dry as I can—him and his wallet.”

I finished drying my eyes, and she linked her arm through mine. “You ready?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Then let’s go bat some billionaires around like cat toys,” she said and gave me a wicked grin.

* * *

Our little group was quite popular that evening. Everyone wanted to have a drink with the two gorgeous billionaires and their super-hot, mysterious dates. Even Evie seemed impressed. “You own part of the Thunder?” Evie asked, her flat chest pressed out toward Cole. She was looking at him as if he was some sort of rock-star, farm-team-owning Greek god.

“Yeah, he does,” Jenny said, stepping forward in front of Cole. She thrust out her much more formidable chest, as if daring Evie to come closer.

Evie was about to say something back when Todd interrupted. “Are you flirting with the best man’s best friend?” he asked his fiancée. They were both slurring their words a little; the co**cktail ‘hour’ had been going for three hours straight.

Evie tossed her hair and narrowed her eyes at him. “Sorry, baby,” she said in what sounded like her version of a sexy voice. “Old habits die hard.”

“You mean once a slutty sorority girl, always a slutty sorority girl?” Todd asked, grinning at her.

“That’s exactly what I mean.” She grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a quick, hot kiss. Todd lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. They headed to a dark corner for some serious making out and grinding.

“They’re drunk,” Cole said and laughed.

“They’re happy,” I said, surprised. I turned to James. “They’re actually good together.”

James stood up taller and watched them making out in the corner, a bemused look on his face. “He likes her slutty sorority girl act. You just might be right,” he said.

Meanwhile, sparks were still flying in our little circle. “You are so hot when you fight for me,” Cole said to Jenny. He took another sip of his martini and looked at her with hooded eyes.

“That wasn’t even a fight,” Jenny said. She tossed her hair. “If you want to see me throw down, just bring that bitch back here.”

Cole looked impressed. “That’s so hot—that’s the bride, Jenny. You gonna fight the bride for me?”

“I would, baby,” she cooed, pressing herself against him. They started seriously making out then, with Cole’s hands all over Jenny’s as**s. James and I just looked at each other, somewhere between mortified and amused.

Celia Preston was not impressed, however. She motioned for us to come over. We both took large swigs of our drinks before we went. “Who is that girl with Cole Bryson tonight?” she asked, watching them dry-hump next to the bar.

“That’s Jenny,” James said matter-of-factly. “They’re dating.”

“If that’s what you want to call it.” Celia turned to me. “Do you know this Jenny? She seemed excited to see you.”

“I met her last night. We went out for after-dinner drinks,” I said, watching James out of the corner of my eye.

“We met them,” James said, nodding. “For drinks after dinner.”

“Is he bringing her to the wedding?” Celia asked, scowling at them as they became more entangled.

“I hope so,” James said. “Otherwise, Todd and Evie will be the only ones having inappropriate physical displays in public.” James pointed them out in the far corner, still playing Slutty Sorority Girl and Her Jealous Boyfriend.

Celia frowned. “I think I should have had more substantial food served at this thing,” she said mostly to herself.

“Live and learn, Mother,” James said. “Live and learn.”

* * *

We snuck out after Celia was interrupted by one of her friends, asking about which red wine on the list had the most antioxidants.

I winked at Jenny on the way out, and she gave me a thumbs-up. Cole still had his hands on her as**s.

“I think he really likes her,” James said as we slid into the car. “I don’t think he’s pretending.”