Page 49 of Their Will be Done

I wish more and more every day that I had a damn key.

A few minutes before the lunch bell gongs, I hear a soft sound by the door. I whip my head around to stare at the folded paper someone pushed under the door.

The hair on the back of my neck stands up as I wait, but thankfully the door stays closed.

When my heartbeat goes back to normal, I stand and fetch the note.


The words all are in capitals, stiff and boxy.


He’s letting me use his bathroom again. Which is so sweet, especially with tonight’s dinner in mind. I guess now would be the perfect time to go—everyone else would be in the dining hall, eating. If I hurried, I might still make lunch once I was done, but I’d happily trade a meal for a private shower.

Plus, I’d get to see Reuben again.

The prospect does strange things to my tummy and I have to push away the thought so I can figure out what I’ll be wearing to dinner tonight.

* * *

I knock quietlyon Reuben’s door. Why does no one except Father Gabriel answer their doors in this place? After a third knock I try the handle, eager to get out of the hall before someone spots me.

The handle turns.

The door opens.

I let out a relieved sigh when it opens and quickly slip inside. The apartment isn’t massive, but the minimalistic decor makes it seem pretty spacious. How do students get apartments like these? What does Cass’s room look like? Zachary’s? Apollo’s?


No answer.

I head for the bathroom and then hesitate. Is it weird that Reuben’s not here? Maybe he’s sleeping. Or studying with headphones on.

“Hello?” I push open his bedroom door and step inside, biting the inside of my lip. I should be in the shower already but damn it I’m too fucking nosy. I know so little about Reuben that I can’t bear to pass up a chance to poke around.

After all, it’s obvious the Brotherhood doesn’t keepanythingin their lair.

I go through Reuben’s closet and find nothing but clothes. Only some books and a lamp on his desk. Notepads inside the drawers, all filled with school work. Something starts nagging at me, but I’m too busy snooping to give it any thought. He could be back at any minute. For all I know, he just stepped outside to make a call or smoke a cigarette.

My eyes move around the room until they settle on the bible on Reuben’s nightstand. When it falls open in my hands a hard shiver courses through me.

Phrases in every sentence of every verse on every page have been highlighted.

I flip through, going faster and faster until I can’t make out anything but an orange blur, but still the odd phrase leaps out at me.

Subject to your masters

Sells his daughter

Lay with him

Great plague

Fiery lake

Seek death