Page 25 of Under the Mistletoe

The room was bathed in darkness. We’d only left the bed to use the washroom and get food. Other than that, we’d stayed wrapped up in one another the entire day.

I lay wrapped in Bentley’s arms. The room was cool even with a fire, and the wind whipped around outside, notifying us that there was a snowstorm raging on. I felt warm and safe. My body was exhausted. I was sore everywhere, and I let out a small moan as he pulled me closer to him and placed a kiss on the side of my neck.

I felt the bed move as Bentley shifted and then his body stiffened.

“What is it?” I muttered, my eyes still closed, my body still relaxed against him.

He said nothing, only placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered, “Shhh…”

I blinked twice, the room coming into view. I glanced at him over my shoulder, wondering what it was he was listening for.

“What is it?” I asked, seeing the look of concern on his face.

“I heard something downstairs.”

“Maybe it’s a customer,” I said, frowning because he was pulling me away from my comfortable slumber in his arms.

“Darlin’, the bar is closed on Christmas Day, which means there are no customers or staff.”

A crash from below caused me to jump. Bentley sat up. “You stay here. Don’t unlock the door for anyone but me after I’m gone,” He commanded, leaving me alone in the bed.

I watched his muscular frame as he slipped into his pants and grabbed the baseball bat that rested beside the door.

“Noelle…” I heard a familiar voice call.

My eyes went wide as Bentley turned and glanced in my direction. “It’s my father,” I gasped. I glanced around at the bed, panicking. He couldn’t come up here. I was naked, I thought, trying to remember exactly where my clothes had landed.

“Don’t make me come up there. I don’t think my heart can take it,” he called up the stairs.

“Get dressed,” Bentley said, his voice low as he grabbed a shirt and threw it on over his head. “I’ll go down and meet him.”

I slipped from the warm bed and searched for my jeans and sweater, then I ran to the washroom and rushed a brush through my hair. The last thing I wanted was for my father to catch us in the act once again.

“Come down when you’re ready,” Bentley said, popping his head into the washroom.

I nodded and watched as he made his way across the small apartment and headed down the stairs. I then took a deep breath and glanced at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t sure what it was my father wanted, but I knew I would not allow him to pull me away from the man I loved. If that was what he was here for, he could just continue on his way and go back home to Mom. I wasn’t going through this again.

Anger flooded me at the thought, and I could feel a surge of adrenaline rush through me as I gave myself one last look in the mirror. I was ready to fight for what I believed in.

I shut the bathroom light off and made my way down the stairs, away from the small apartment above, where only half an hour ago was filled with love and passion.

I rounded the corner to see my father and Bentley sitting at the bar. Both of them had a drink in front of them they were sipping, but neither of them spoke. In fact, it was so silent I could hear my own footsteps as I made my way over to where they were.

I didn’t go near my father either. I made my way over to Bentley and stood on the side farthest from my father, as if I needed his protection from the man who’d given me everything as a child. Right now, I felt it wasn’t far from the truth, and it wasn’t because I was afraid my father would hurt me, but because I needed his protection. I needed to know he was there for me, to catch me when I’d fall. If my father wanted to fight about this, I knew without a doubt I’d crumble. I needed to know Bentley would be there to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart when it happened.

I glanced over at him, ready to attack, but when he looked at me, I didn’t see a man ready to fight. He looked broken and upset. I’d never seen him look like this before. My father wasn’t a man who ever showed his emotion, yet here it was, plain as day, written all over his face.

“Life is impossible without you, Noelle.”

I frowned. I wasn’t expecting him to say that; I was expecting him to demand I come home this instant, to give up this ridiculous behaviour and never see Bentley again.

I swallowed hard, tears coming to my eyes as my father continued.

“I can live without Bentley, although it would suck. But I can’t live without you. You’re my little girl, my little starfish,” my father said. “You also need to know you are right. Everything you said about Bentley being a good man and trustworthy was true. I guess I just wasn’t prepared for this.”

I could feel my eyes burn as I looked at my father. I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t heard that nickname from him in years. I swallowed hard as I saw him focus on Bentley.

“That’s my little girl you’re dirtying up.”