I swallowed hard. “No, why do you ask?”
“Ah, she just seems secretive, is all. Sneaking out late at night, making excuses to go out. The other night Jenelle was sure she heard someone in her room with her.”
“Was there?” I questioned, my voice cracking.
“No, we asked her about it. She assured me no one was in her room, that she was just on the phone, but I felt like she was lying to me.”
I cleared my throat. “Ah, kids, you know how they can be,” I said, putting the bottles of liquor back where they belonged, so Bruce couldn’t see my eyes.
“You alright? You seem off tonight,” Bruce questioned.
I glanced over at him and nodded. “Of course, I’m alright. What makes you ask?”
Bruce shrugged. “I don’t know. You seem on edge, like something is bothering you.”
I felt a surge of cool air as the bar door opened. I turned my head like I always did to see who was coming in. A surge of excitement ran through me as I saw Noelle walk through the door, but it quickly dropped when I saw some guy I’d never seen before walking behind her. He had his hand on the small of her back and he whispered something into her ear, making her giggle as she hung up her coat. My fist clenched and my jaw tightened as they moved over to a booth off to the side.
“Just an off night,” I said, looking back at Bruce. “Noelle seems comfortable with that guy. Do you know him?” I questioned, asking because I wanted an answer.
Bruce looked up and over at the two of them sitting in the booth and shook his head. “Can’t say I do, but then who the hell can keep up with these kids now? What do I owe you?”
“Ah, it’s on the house,” I grumbled.
It wasn’t unusual for me to comp their dinner, so I knew I wouldn’t get asked questions. It was the least I could do for Bruce after he saved my life one night on a mission overseas.
“Thanks, Bentley. Well, I think we are going to head home before the weather gets too bad. Jenelle has some last-minute Christmas wrapping to get done, and since we know Noelle isout, she’ll be thrilled to be able to wrap them in the dining room instead of on the floor in our bedroom.”
We both chuckled. I walked around the bar and helped Jenelle with her coat, then gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Then I shook hands with Bruce and watched as they left the bar.
I walked back behind the bar, only to see Noelle standing off to the side. She gave me a huge smile and waved. I held my finger up to her and quickly picked up the broken glass, then I glanced over to see the guy she was with had his face in his phone.
“How are you?” she asked, giving me that smile I loved so much.
“Good, busy. What about you?” I questioned, brushing a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
“I’m good,” she said as she bit her bottom lip as she looked up at me.
I could stare into her eyes forever and would have had the guy she was with not appeared behind her. Placing one hand on her hip, he pulled her attention from me.
“What’s good here?” he questioned.
Noelle smiled and mentioned something about a burger, but I was too focused on his hand and how he looked at her to care what he was asking.
“Noelle, can I talk to you?” I growled.
To my surprise, she continued talking with the guy and ignored me completely. I watched as she flirted with him, laughing, smiling, and batting those eyes at him while touching his chest. Anger grew within me.
“I’ll put in for two burgers,” I grumbled and headed back to the kitchen, not giving either of them a chance to say a word.
When I returned, Noelle and the guy weren’t where I’d left them, and they weren’t sitting in the booth they’d been in either. I glanced around to see them out on the dance floor.
Noelle swayed in front of him as his hands rested on her hips. It was when he pulled her in close and placed a kiss on her cheek I lost my temper. I made my way around the bar and headed directly for them, grabbing hold of the back of his shirt and pulling him off her.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing touching her like that?” I shouted as I cocked my arm back.
I heard a scream, and then I saw Noelle right in my face.
“Bentley, I need to talk to you…NOW!” she screamed.