“Hop in,” he said, signaling to the back.
I did as he asked, thankful he’d left his car running and had the heat on. I wrapped my coat tightly around me and watched out the window as he pulled away and drove toward my house.
My parents weren’t back until later today, thank goodness, so that would ease questions being asked when I walked through the door. When I arrived, I let myself inside, immediately going up to my room, where I quickly changed out of the clothes I’d been wearing. I took a hot shower, taking my time and allowingthe heat from the water to sink into my aching muscles. I then slid into a pair of jeans and a sweater.
I should try to lie down, get some rest, but I couldn’t even think about sleeping after what had happened only a few short hours ago. My mind was racing, my heart was pounding, and every way I moved, I could still feel Bentley Grey firmly planted between my legs.
I’d wondered what it would be like to lose my virginity, but never in my wildest imagination had I figured it would be that good. I had to leave though, because I feared that he’d tell me how wrong our actions had been and that it never should have happened, and I knew hearing those words from him would crush me in a way nothing else ever could. I needed to remain in this fantasy world I’d created in my head, where he wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him. If that meant leaving, then I’d done the right thing.
I walked over and looked at myself in the mirror and then grabbed my phone, sending Kelsey a message. No doubt she was probably still asleep, but I hoped that the ping from my message would wake her up and she’d meet me for breakfast somewhere. I needed my best friend right now.
When she didn’t answer after twenty minutes I decided to leave, I was too excited to stay put at the house. I made my way down to the breakfast diner on the corner and placed my order, still waiting for Kelsey to text me back.
“What time did you want to make your way back to your house?” Kelsey questioned, sitting across from me, shoving the last bite of her waffle into her mouth.
Despite all my excitement about last night, I had shared nothing with Kelsey when she finally arrived at the diner. I figured it was best left unsaid for now. Especially since we would head back to my house for my parents’ annual birthday bash they threw for me every year, and I already knew there was no way I was getting out of it. I’d already tried.
“Soon, I guess. I want to get the torture over with.”
Kelsey giggled as she shoved her plate off to the edge of the table. “If you hate the party, why don’t you tell them?”
“It’s not that I hate it, it’s just I think they hold it more for themselves than for me. It’s always their friends that come.”
“Which means you get to see Bentley.” Kelsey winked.
I felt my face heat at his name and at the memory of last night, not because he’d be there. The last few years Bentley hadn’t made it to my birthday bash, and after I bailed this morning, I was certain this year would be no different.
“Sadly, he doesn’t normally show up.” I pouted.
Kelsey again giggled and shook her head. “Oh well, it’s probably best.” She winked.
We paid our bill and headed back to my parents. Cars lined our streets and my stomach sank, realizing how many people they must have invited. While she pulled into the driveway, I saw my car was there, the tire no longer flat, which made me wonder who’d fixed it. I had called no one, and I hadn’t told my parents. The only people who knew about the flat tire were Kelsey, Macy, and Bentley, and I knew Kelsey and Macy wouldn’t have it fixed.
“Let’s go, shall we?” I said, turning to look at Kelsey.
“I thought you said you got a flat?” Kelsey asked, nodding toward my car.
“I did, let’s go,” I repeated.
“Are you sure you really got a flat? That you weren’t just telling me that so I wouldn’t worry about you?”
“I swear to you, it was flatter than a pancake. Now, let’s go inside.”
“I can’t. I wasn’t invited.” She giggled. “So I hope you have fun.”
I looked at her, annoyed. “You’re invited. It’s my birthday bash! You’re invited!”
“Who says? Your parents certainly didn’t invite me.”
“I say. Now let’s go.”
She burst out laughing and cut the engine and we both made our way inside.
I pushed the front door open, surprised to find the living room empty. Normally, it would be full of people.
“Perhaps they are surprising you and have done what you’ve asked,” Kelsey whispered.
“Not with all those cars out there.” I shrugged and made my way into the kitchen only to jump as a crowd of people yelled “Surprise!” and broke out singing “Happy Birthday.” My parents came over and wrapped their arms around me, pulling me in for a hug.